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Introduction to the Spiritual School of Ascension Global Dani

Dani is a friend online, more precisely, is the guy who founded the SDAG (School of Global Ascension). The reference site is now ascensione.com

shown below the introduction of the School of Dani made by Gianfranco Venturi, taken from the site stazioneceleste.it

Gianfranco Venturi - 21/02/2004

I think very few people know the true meaning of the Ascension and Global are the ones who personally founded the School of Global Ascension by Dani in September 2002 with the creation of the site www.sdag.info.

Dani is a boy of 25 who is holographic in connection with his soul and other souls, including: Mother Earth, Jesus, Metatron and the Grand Central Sun.

All information contained in this and other articles, are my own processing and interpretation of the material on that site.

In various philosophical and religious texts speak of ascension and various Ascended Masters. Among these we mention Buddha, Rama, Yogananda, Djwal Khul and Ueshiba (founder of Aikido). What is the difference between the Ascension and the Global climbs as we discussed in the past?

First Global's Ascension was anchored by God on Earth only recently (December 2002). Global Ascension is based purely magnetic energy that is the essence of God's kingdom until this time the ascents occurred on Earth have had a distorted energy mold, that did not happen purely on the basis of magnetic energy, but according to die more or less distorted energy: Electromagnetic energy and power.

The idea of \u200b\u200ban ascent through a more etheric body in the 4th and 5th dimension is no longer valid. This type of ascent is typical of the period of expansion of space-time, but now that it has initiated the contraction of space-time by force of circumstances, the situation changes.

previous forms of ascension (electrical and electromagnetic) are inherently incomplete, because you can only ascend in full once the space-time expanded in a comprehensive manner. Only then you can have all the necessary information. A thought, to be transcended in a complete, must be experienced at the lowest point and distorted, and only here can then ascend in a comprehensive manner.

We said before that there may be steps in the physical size. What physical form can do is to ascend in an incomplete burning their fitness and live only in the etheric. This is what has happened many times before and that was mistaken for a proper ascent. The real physical ascension, as mentioned above, is an increase in vibrational form without leaving the physical plane of reality where you live. E 'Resurrection cell biology of its physical body.

Ascension purely etheric energy is possible only by stealing others', as the entity does not have the divine essence (light body) that allows them to ascend through the use of the will.

The fundamental difference between pure and complete ascension and an incomplete (the one that all those who have ascended in the past have followed) is that ascension is not complete and leaves the pure physical level once you reach the vibrations of a higher dimension, but remains in the physical plane, albeit with larger vibration. True Ascension complete this space-time is both physical and etheric level. Etheric climb only incomplete.

incomplete ascension from the physical plane to the subtler planes (electromagnetic in nature) creates a change in the density of the particles of the physical form until it becomes more and more ethereal and, at some point, make it ready to move on floors high.

True Life is only on the physical and there is only one physical plane in a given time. All other plans are essential. The only real life plan is one in which we live, and then to ascend and evolve we have to really stay here, do not go elsewhere.

The so-called masters of the past have ascended leaving die or burn their physical bodies. And so their ascension was incomplete. They have retained only their etheric bodies. Now all the Ascended Masters of the past has been reincarnated to do an Ascension Global, which is based purely magnetic energy.

They reached the vibration of the 4th or 5th dimension unconsciously taking a lot of energy from other people with whom we have karmic attachments. Were not aware, but what they did was basically stealing other people's energy. These manipulations are common even now unconscious and occur on the etheric planes, of which we know little or nothing.

The expansion of space-time ended in December 2002. From that time began the downturn or ascension of space-time. All climbs past, therefore, were more or less incomplete, not because of the inability due to lack of information. The main purpose of the Ascension

Global is the resurrection of the physical form at the end of the ascension again becomes immortal as it was originally. In fact, God created His children in His image and likeness and, therefore, also immortalized in the form. Adam and Eve with all their descendants were immortal until the fall of consciousness.

Ascend means to actually heal. But to heal from what? Healing from all forms-limiting thoughts that everyone has inside. And incorporate, then, the thought-forms that are based on 'pure love.

Any type of illness, pain, physical problems, emotional or psychological impairment is due to the presence of thought-forms that are based on Love distorted, which is always love, but it is pure love. In essence, the limiting thought-forms are those that rely on electromagnetic energy, electrical and radioactive. And the problem in question can be either in the field that nell'antimateria (ether, the interstitial space) of the form.

With the fall of consciousness, the pure magnetic energy footprint, it was increasingly distorting it by first creating the electromagnetic energy, then energy and finally electric energy radiation.

gradually decreased with the fall increasing the duration of physical life. 200,000 years ago, when it was planted the first human race on Earth from the Syrians, still a human being could live for 2000 years.

When humans were immortal, had a level of awareness equal to 3,000,000,000. This number expresses the active pairs of nitrogenous bases of DNA. The first humans on Earth (200,000 years ago) had a level of awareness equal to 36,000, a value much lower than the original. And yet they lived 2000 years on average.

Today the vast majority of human beings is to have only two pairs of active nitrogen bases. Consequently, the average life expectancy was reduced on average between 60 and 90 years.

early humans who lived during the period of Atlantis (100,000 to 40,000 years ago) had reduced the average duration of their lives about 800 to 900 years. The Bible mentions several characters including Noah, who lived about 900 years.

addition, the Global Ascension preserves the density and volume of form, while the electromagnetic ascension increases the volume and weight of the form. The ascension of Mila and Oa electromagnetic (director of Spiritual School of Ascension) a few years ago to 36,000 (the level of the Tao), however, has allowed the anchoring of magnetic energy on Earth pure, that is pure Consciousness of God / Goddess.

Even today many people are making the climb Electromagnetic because they believe that is the right one. But sooner or later they will do if they want to ascend magnetic Global Ascension really.

Now is the Earth Mother who leads the dance and is the driving force for global ascension. It is ahead of humanity.

The present is a period of intense purification and for the Earth to Humanity. All karma, accumulated over many millennia, to be issued. The climate "crazy" is a symptom of ascension of the Earth, the temperature increase more and more, as well as the great heat: hot summer and cold in winter. The human karma, both individually and collectively, is emerging in full for every human to recognize what needs to release and integrate. To drive directly

global ascension, God and Goddess have incarnated on earth. Only God in its perfection, omnipotence and omniscience can guide human beings and the entire space-time to perfection. No other imperfect in all creation could play a similar role.

God the Father and Mother Goddess wish to live among their children as true friends and brothers. God does not want to be revered or put on a pedestal, because he does not want to subject their children or employees. God wants his children to grow your own, and their free choice and by his own efforts. All human beings are given the opportunity to ascend, but each has the free will.

enough to ascend the intent to ascend, which activates the will. And the will is the creative power of human beings. We all know that the will is the foundation of our growth as social practice, one of our growing external (behavior) in the same way and even more the will is the foundation of our spiritual growth, and thus inside.

God does not force anyone to ascend, as respects free will he has given us with the power to create our own reality.

God created a merit system in which those who commit themselves more worthy of evolutionary peaks reach higher and higher. He who ascends really is committed to gradually release all of his karma and integrate the polarities. It 'hard work on themselves to eliminate limiting thought-forms and the emergence of true Love. The Ascension is not for the mentally lazy who do not want to use their head.

God is revealing the absolute truth (as Jesus promised 2000 years ago) and those who seek the truth have a chance - reading, assimilating and putting into practice the www.sdag.info material on this site - to increase its awareness that is nothing but an understanding of reality. Consciousness is synonymous with energy, vibration and is directly correlated with the number of active pairs of nitrogenous bases of DNA. The number of these is the level of ascension.

increasing the number of active pairs of nitrogenous bases of DNA, increasing the number of cells that become crystal clear. Crystalline cells are those eukaryotic cells that gendered self-regenerate. As we increase the number of crystalline cells improves our health, the disease disappears, slow aging, skin becomes more and more fresh and beautiful, it grows in us the serenity inner peace, detachment from external things in conflict, the light which streams grows, our truest power, our freedom, our intelligence. In other words, we grow in wisdom and knowledge. In essence, our behavior is increasingly focused on pure Love and true friendship. Since ascending

also means integrating the polarities, including the feminine and masculine, which will happen at a certain level of ascension will attract to us our soul mate with whom we will live happily and in true love for eternity in the new Kingdom of God on Earth.

Starting from the lowest level of consciousness of humanity (of only 2 pairs active nitrogen bases of DNA), climb with the climb up to a level 3 billion (which determines the form of perfection and immortality) through milestones: 3000 (Started), 6000 (Bodhisattva), 15,000 (Mahavisnhu ) 36,000 (fully conscious of the 3rd level of the DM or Tao), 200,000 (unit level), 1,000,000 (True friend of God), 5,000,000 (4 th entry in DM) 25,000,000 (input 5 ° in DM - has transcended the whole karma of creation) 100,000,000 (25 ° entry in DM). Who will reach the level

3,000,000,000 deserve to live forever with God / Goddess in the new Kingdom of God on Earth.

Al below the 3000 level, the human being is generally uprooted from Mother Earth and disconnected from their soul. And what makes it ethereal exposed to manipulation by various entities that suck energy. After the 3000 level, it automatically incorporates the pure divine hologram that allows you to ascend in an unlimited way.

Also, after the 3000 level we get more and more in connection with our Source (core) from which we are driven directly. The level of awareness 3,000,000,000 represents the Kingdom of God when all human beings who will ascend to the level 3 billion, then the Kingdom of God will come down to Earth.

These goals seem unreachable at first sight. But God tells us that if one really wants to ascend these goals can be achieved in this life, because the ascent is exponential and as they ascend the length of our life is extended up to turn slows the aging process of rejuvenation.

The path to God is a very narrow street and that only people strong, determined, courageous and know that risk can be addressed.

The road to God has a purpose. But to achieve this goal we must not give up. The constant desire to grow day by day is the secret that leads us to be determined and courageous in facing our own ascension to God, contrary to popular belief, the ascent is staying in our body. We must not go very far to find God, because God is now here on Earth. E 'come here to bring the Kingdom of God, His Son, Jesus announced to the world 2000 years ago.

If God is truly embodied then on our beautiful planet, certainly did so in a less predictable as possible. Only in this way, on the other hand, could ensure that no one acknowledges him for how and where it is expressed, but only because our soul through the heart we did understand. And that's what matters to God, be near people who recognize it is the heart to tell her, and not illusory appearance ...

We are all infinitesimal part of God and that is why we have a starting point that draws us to him, because everything that we are we have in common with him. What each of us is, of course it is also God, because God is everything! There is however a fundamental difference from how we express our divine essence and how God expresses his infinity, which also includes our essence.

For example, aggression, arrogance, envy, fear, vanity and other human characteristics that are generally considered negative are also part of God's personality difference, however, is that God, including within itself all the positive balance these negative aspects with positive ones. Similarly, God is happy, loves to laugh, is the best of humanity that can exist, and has all the characteristics that we humans consider positive. It 'also infinitely intelligent and smart.

But all these features, both positive and negative, are perfectly balanced in him, and then is a person who is rarely noticed by the masses, as is the epitome of normality, ie neutrality. E 'as a normal person so it is virtually impossible to recognize who she really is. Unless it is our hearts to tell us. And then it means that we are ready to know and that we reached our goal, and we have never abandoned the desire to know God ..

What we face now is a sort of "treasure hunt" from our point of view, but from the point of view of God is a "game of hide and seek." For God is having a great time to hide and be known for who she really is only those who are ready to know. It 's a playful and loves to laugh and joke, ever.

But as God establishes who is ready and who is not? This is established based on the desire we have to grow, to ascend and to come together and approach to God, the Source of All That '. And the reality is that everything depends on us. God has created a situation in which similar attracts like and therefore he is not to choose us, but we choose to stay close to him. The greater our desire to be one with God, stay close, and the greater the likelihood that we will be attracted to him

Source stazioneceleste.it


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