The "Song of the Blessed" is - without doubt - one of the most sacred texts of all humanity and stunning history. Meanwhile, because it provides an indication not of God, but his full vision, who knows how to completely surrender to the thrills of revelation that is, there, exposed.
CODEST, and a distinction that must be studied. Every religion, of course, comes from the highest spiritual needs of man. Each of them - regardless of the latitude where it was born - it shows God; and it does, you also have the vast world of form, while I consider - in a sense - far removed from it.
The Bhagavad Gita - inverting the terms of the report - shows God, which is closely identified with the universal nature, and full, so any gap between man and him
the sacred poem is one of the chapters of Mahabharata , and it contains the teachings, the Gospel of Sri Krishna . It was composed about 300 years before the birth of Christ, but the historical events with which he deals are located in more ancient times, the great war described in the Bhagavad Gita came to pass in a date that modern criticism down to 1,000 years before Christ.
However, perhaps it does not matter much look for references that actually happened in relation to the pervading sense that the symbolism of the text. It is common practice to consider any sutra Work as a match of life of all individuals.
The Bhagavad unquestionably represents a total immersion in the concepts and principles of "karma yoga ": that is, the yoga of . The war in question (the field of Kurukshetra) is identified with the strong impact that the mind of everyone is affected when immersed in the daily level reincarnational.
There is only one verse that can not and should be applied to each of the contingencies we encounter in life.
In the Gospel Hindu are balanced and merged the two poles of human subjects research: the monism and dualism . Krishna - one of the most popular Avatar in India - is the protagonist of the complete life lesson that - throughout the whole of the Opera - he suffuses with Arjuna, his disciple.
However, it is customary to spiritualism historical experience of all times, identify with the Incarnation of God the most precious summit of consciousness of any being, which is close to the study and reading of the Sutra of which we speak.
Krishna, the hero of the Bhagavad Gita, the same incarnation of God is identified with the "I" more profound and immortal, who turns to his own shadow - the personality '- surrounded by the smoky desired levels embodied.
should, again, claimed that the living synthesis of the entire teaching suggests that Krishna to his disciple, identified in a total ax that Fell to any value superfluous, and that weighs on the conscience of this ankylosis 'Last: thirsting for truth and freedom'.
Buried in the same building to the superhuman bosom of that pure thought and the more abstract spiritualism, See who are the , Opera are dealing with forms - in some ways - an anomalous nature, although they represent perhaps the most mystical substance and the living synthesis and defined. The thousands and thousands chanted verses of the Vedas, there are connected in a brilliant final note, when the Word of Life Same Universal Logos is made and is proposed as Core and Cosmic Consciousness of everything on.
that matter - when life and form are completely transcended - favor an eternal expression of any angle, and you want to manifest as pure reason, or as love? What does it matter to insist on the best and still the best expressions of Being aristocratic, though - already - "The absolute is manifest, since the times"?
As our physical body is composed of billions of tiny lives - the cells - so 'everyone is a wave of Infinite Universal Ocean of Consciousness is an intrinsic part in a large and vital. This speaks Consciousness in the Bhagavad Gita, and attracts into its vortex of passionate love their child reflected existential Arjuna.
"The true yogi sees Me in all beings and all beings in Me In truth, the soul made me see everywhere."
"The yogi, knowing that I and the Supreme Soul, located in all creatures, we are One, I worship you and always remains in Me "
addition, therefore, to reveal the" ultimate secret "buried under the cover of the irreducible veil of maya, Krishna - the Universal Life, the Word made - tells Arjuna, in the 18 chapters of the Bhagavad Gita, mystical techniques for placing the final liberation from reincarnation.
The fact is that many of those who come on the enchanting shores of the sacred text are blessed by the revelation that this episode in their lives just part of that action that the incessant 'Soul of the things addressed to the infinite aspects of his cosmic body to absorb them to Himself.
Who is predestined recognizes, without a shadow doubt, the Voice of Silence, in his heart, and emanates from the sutras of the Gospel Hindu.
and intensity that you all hope we can find within the original father, while v'inebrierete with the music of Krishna's teaching - just as the writer has finished its long journey reincarnational, finding the roots from which was born, and dissolving in them - hopes that there is' immense joy and happiness!
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