Monday, May 25, 2009

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Brahmacarya, from pleasure to joy

feel the divine presence in every experience to give full meaning to our existence

Brahmacarya The term is often translated as "continence" or "abstinence": according to the traditional religious view it chastity is essential in order to obtain absolute energies and that clearly is normally dispersed in the sexual act with a view to their spiritual growth.

a difficult undertaking, however, chastity, and if we do not live with awareness can easily turn into distress, feelings of exclusion and inability to experience what life that God has given to man for a purpose.

Every living thing it seeks the union with its opposite and complementary groped unconsciously re-create the cosmogonic ritual, the man unconscious use of gratification mating purposes, to feel the flow of life, to procreate, to express an 'energy but natural, if not transmuted, it will be lost.

The human being uses his mind and his imagination to enhance every pleasure, then remains locked in the prison of his ignorance, he does not realize the sacredness of an act that reproduces in its essential nature ' union of cosmic principles: the principle of spiritual and eternal and unchanging its power, the principle that generates the field, their union was born the ' universe.

To achieve this vision it is necessary to keep the heart and mind pure, free from attachment, from desire, possessiveness, the haste and improvisation are banned, we need a serious training material and spiritual.

Yoga and Tantra teach how to get to transform the joy and pleasure to dissolve the barrier formed by the mind lesser mortal in a web that ensnares all our feelings and our thoughts, just a mind purified can therefore reach beyond the earthly dimension and sense of the eternity of love, the merger of the two polarities that comes to re-create the One.

must learn to see the God (or Goddess) behind the human face, feel a consciousness which is the reflection of the "eternal light" that is expressed through the forms - with all their limitations - and that is the polarity that the man is seeking, in its unconsciousness, to recreate the cosmic act.

The pleasure is so sublimated, the opposition of mind dissolves and the joy of finding one floods the consciousness .

Brahmacarya is the fourth yama (restraint, abstinence or harmonization of interpersonal relations) in Yogasutra of Patanjali, and more precisely means "to live in God 'is to feel the divine presence in every experience and every moment, making every action in an act sacred that gives full meaning to our existence, any excess is counter to the ideal of brahmacârin, whether eating, sleeping, talking: The Brahmacarya frees us from the slavery of the senses.

The human being is burdened by anxiety, gripped the inability to come to understand the meaning of life, instead of stopping to look for targets outside looking pleasure in every situation: do not eat to maintain a healthy body, not content to satisfy hunger but natural look for every means to stimulate the palate already excited, and so with every experience, including sex.

Behind the excitement and stimulation, there is pain, the suffering of a life spent running, without reflection and clarity.

"Who am I?". If the answer is: "I am my body" then everything is justified.

Man has available wealth, power, advanced technology and this led him, in his presumption, to feel superior to other animals is undoubtedly clever, but what use is made of his intelligence? Despite the wealth at the end of life is found empty, poor.

Why not stop? why not answer the questions that arise from the soul? Only by listening to the 'other', the human being has the ability to hear the cosmic forces that substantiate all being and come to understand the meaning of life.


Source: http:


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