Sunday, May 17, 2009

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Karma Yoga

KARMA YOGA - Di Guido da Todi

Every thought and action of the past inevitably bind us to our karma today, but its through the same action, when understood and acted properly, is can be reunited with the All ...

Vivekananda considered the essence of Karma Yoga the noblest spiritual paths. Bagavadh The Gita is a summary of this almost exclusive Yoga. Why? In fact, one of the key features of Hindu teachings is common sense and practicality immediately, even if this does not invalidate the high nature of their traditions.

You can not grasp the meaning of the law of karma , at least if you are not - to an extent sufficient - sensed the way things are universal: that is the fundamental unit, holism continuous identification total apparent fragment with the whole. The impact of each act and every thought and is produced by us is resolved in the end in ourselves just for the fact that there is no solution of continuity between the illusion of a life separate from the rest of existence and this 'last. The subtle and complex of the law of karma, however, is not the main purpose of this Article shall, perhaps, be postponed to the next one.

One of the common sense of Indian philosophy refers to his way of interpreting the hidden aspect of this environmental of each of us. The law of reincarnation is the formidable tank of a total fertility of cases by the individual, which are tied to the noticeable effects of this environmental his this. In short, the ego is the driving each its action, but, once given the push that makes the action itself becomes the engine of the self. This is an absolutely indispensable role play.

Here, if we could take the snapshot of the life of any one of us, what would be the light - esoterically speaking - would have produced a complex and very difficult to decompose, into its constituent elements. Imagine a peach sour, and suppose you want to post with your own his hands still green stone from the pulp. The result of this act would show the hard part and center of the fruit, but with massive pieces of flesh that are inseparable from it, so it is virtually impossible to separate the center from the periphery, when the time is not the right ones. The example - obviously crude - indicates with some precision, the relationship that each of us has with his present karma. Want to give it, so reckless, violent and irrational action would be similar to the one we have just imagined, referring to the immature fish.

Our current karma is the last of the forces and center of gravity of the shares issued in a past, more or less distant, and the pressure driving force that leads most of our existence. The dharma, however, is the mental act that recognizes the character and adapts to it, with your daily behavior. In fact, this is already a great sign for the individual who wishes to intervene in his fate.

Any discontent generated by our dissatisfaction with life that we lead, for the work we do for the environment in which we live energy is unnecessarily wasted. So right or wrong, it was us the sole responsibility of the solution latent forces which are congeal around us and in us. You can not get rid of it, at least in a violent way.

At this point there is no need to mention those actions rebels, who often commit many. They leave, suddenly, the companion, or partner, children and the work that disappoints them. So, off contact with the spinning wheel in one direction, and - as an electron orbit change - is another danger in the vortex of life in the creation of new habits, a new existence. But the wheel keeps turning ... They do not have the power to stop that flow of energy in crystallization operations than they created in their past. In this way, cause more karma; but do not circumvent the old one, which will recur , sooner or later. And their escape will be settled in a beautiful nothing.

What he says, then, in this regard, the Indian philosophy of Karma Yoga ? Vivekananda says what? And what the Gita teaches? Meanwhile - and this is a spiritual foundation of the highest importance - that does not matter in life, desperately want a destiny of supreme nobility formal and not afraid to express ourselves in actions that we consider poor and lacking in polish and deep meanings. In life only matters understand and do what is right to do, at that time . The supreme nobility

formal enamel and what else you could want, maybe you will become a consequence of what is appropriate for the time being, realize, in the right direction now and now. Only in this way, we build the channel in which rosolerĂ  and consume mill stone that hung around his neck: our karma heavy and often painful ... Be careful, this does not mean passively accepting and , Boeotian, and so, any constraint imposed is life there. Indicates only the wisdom and skill of knowing how to untie, the only way harmonious and healthy, by a narrow stifling, which could, often, to annihilate us, during this our existence.

However, we spoke of the unity of everything. The Karma Yoga says that each of us is a part of a card unlimited universe. Those who oppose this fact, or do not know him, is bound to a truncated expression of the self: in other words, unhappiness.

The whole tradition of true spiritualism tends to experiment with the total life. Join our dharma, and accept it with crystal cosmic awareness of the reasons that lie behind it, to charm us unifies the total life, which is not opposed to the more, therefore, no active resistance, or passive. Any sense of the scale, then we are unable to come together. There is, here, a larger or smaller. There is only the component that both bind with the whole, it brings together all the tension and all opposition staff. The party realizes he's become a 'stress beating altogether. To be everything. And rejoice, by performing an act of personal, impersonal joy, which has no resonance and limit extension. The karma yogi

lives down every daily action, that is, without opposing the duties imposed on their lives, and that he has all recognized in the moment of its original expansion of consciousness. Thus, not only exhausted and dissolves all the ties that bind reincarnational the three worlds of illusion formal, but also a solid card and joins the staff representing the fragment of the mosaic to the great cosmic fresco, of which that is part constituent.

I could express my personal experience in that regard. I do not think there can be more acute and unspeakable joy of feeling that invades the soul, when he observes the self, while, with maximum participation, supports the entire dharma of his life: from the minimal tasks, all ' total arc of its complex cycle reincarnated.

It tells of a young Hindu yogis, who spent years in meditation, in a thick forest. One day, he looked annoyed by a bird, which bothered him with his hand. And the bird fell to the ground fulminate. The yogi settled, then, to have reached the extraordinary powers, and that it was time to return among men. In the evening, came to the edge of a village, knocked on a modest house, demanding food. The old woman opened the door told him once: "Wait, sadhu, who I take care of the needs of my husband. Soon will come to you, and I will give you dinner ..." The answer seemed little respect the yogi, who obviously expected priority over everything and everyone, rank as the spiritual and said that it was earned. And without realizing it, the woman looked at her annoyed.

"I do not think that I have a bird, so I could electrocute, sadhu! - That's said -" I have duties to perform. But you can be assured that immediately after it's up to you ... "The man was electrocuted. As the old lady knew the history of the bird? For dinner, carefully, asked him." You see, sadhu, my teacher taught that, just making all my duties with joy and dedication, I would merged with the universal . This is why I reached the light and union with God .. "The story continues, but I want to interrupt to indicate that the essence of Karma Yoga is all here. When he's caught the spirit, each of us becomes aware of tiny boat that represents his ego, surrounded by its own karma reincarnational. He hears and sees the boundaries of this karma, with incredible vividness.

adhering to his dharma , with joy and detachment, lives, then, one of the greatest metaphysical experiences. While still close to the links of the three worlds, already intensively test the complete liberation from them and from everything is relative. Every minute of his day, in him, a sacred act of meditation, of union with God, relationship with the Eucharist of the One Reality. He is now a karma yogi . He is a free!



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