Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ap Biology Certification Online

RadioMed - Fashion is On Air

Hello! As I remind you every Friday with the appointment and transfer RadioMed
"Those who .. in the morning with Gizzi"
broadcast from 09.00 to 13.00.
From 11.30 to 12.00 we will talk about fashion and today we will discuss in particular the issue of Streetstyle,
of Cool Hunting, and what is not to be photographed while ago ..!

If you are in Palermo and you have a radio you can just tune to the available 91,300
For everyone else, just follow the program in streaming

I remind you that the streaming button is always available at the top right ..

Now I run to get ready ..! Good day to all of them ..!

ps: in the afternoon the second post "Story and Fashion Illustration"
in collaboration with Elisa di Giovanni, a young fashion designer and a great friend:)



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