Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wat Does Functional Cysts In Ovaries Mean?

Mircea Eliade - Shamanism and the techniques of ecstasy

Mircea Eliade (Bucharest 1907 - Chicago 1986) was formed as a philosopher and historian of religion at the University of Bucharest.
In the years 1927-28 in Rome attended the lectures of Giovanni Gentile.
from Calcutta University he studied with S. Dasgupta and hermitage of Rishikesh Himalayas.
It was the Romanian cultural attaché in London and Lisbon, and after World War II, he moved to Paris where he taught at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes.
In 1957 he obtained the chair of history of religions at the University of Chicago.
addition to writing some general works of history of religions, Eliade was one of the leading specialists of shamanism, yoga and the relationship between magic and alchemy. Two of his important texts
- Shamanism and the techniques of ecstasy
- Mephistopheles and the Androgyne

Notes cover of the book "Shamanism and the techniques of ecstasy"

This is the first work that embraces shamanism in its entirety, while placing it in the perspective of a general history of religions.
Apart from some notable exceptions, in fact, the shamanic literature has neglected so far, an interpretation of this phenomenon from the perspective of the general history of religions, whose task is, in this case, to integrate the results of ethnology, as well as psychology and sociology.
Shamanism is a primitive techniques of ecstasy, it is at once mystical, magic and religion. The author makes a thorough analysis, examining the different aspects, and clarifying the various mythical and religious assumptions that underlie it.
A careful examination is dedicated to shamanic methodology, and different forms of initiation rites and shamanic events at the different peoples, races and tribes, be sure to draw a comparison measure to highlight their common characteristics.
The shaman is a magician, a "medicine man", which has the capacity to heal and work miracles fakirs, like all magicians primitive or modern. In each work is predominant the ecstatic experience, and especially in this sense that the author of the study in this work.
Shamanism is a specialty that involves the domain of magic fire, the magic flight, and so on, so even if every shaman, among other things, a magician, not every magician can be classified as a shaman.
The same goes for healing: every "medicine man" is a healer, but every shaman uses his special technique.
ecstasy, finally, the shaman through a trance during which it is believed that his soul can leave the body to take celestial ascents or descents hell. In their relations with the ghosts, then, the shaman can communicate with the dead, with demons and the "spirits of nature," without becoming its instrument.
It is therefore a volume of interest, because of the vastness of the issues and the seriousness of the discussion, scholars and enthusiasts of all branches of knowledge and which will be an extension and a complement to any education.

Index summary:

Introduction to second edition
I. General - Recruitment methods - Shamanism and mystical vocation
II. Diseases and initiatory dreams
III. The acquisition of shamanic powers
IV. The shamanic initiation
V. The symbolism of the shaman's costume and drum
VI. Shamanism in Central Asia and North
1. Heavenly Ascents - Descent into Hell
VII. Shamanism in Central Asia and North
2. Healing magic - The shaman psychopomp
VIII. Shamanism and Cosmology
IX. Shamanism in North America and South
X. Shamanism in Southeast Asia and Oceania
XI. Shamanic techniques and ideologies between the Indo
XII. Shamanic techniques and symbolism in Tibet, China and the Far East
XIII. Myths, symbols and rituals parallel
Conclusions: The formation of the North Asian shamanism

Wat Does Functional Cysts In Ovaries Mean?

Mircea Eliade - Shamanism and the techniques of ecstasy

Mircea Eliade (Bucharest 1907 - Chicago 1986) was formed as a philosopher and historian of religion at the University of Bucharest.
In the years 1927-28 in Rome attended the lectures of Giovanni Gentile.
from Calcutta University he studied with S. Dasgupta and hermitage of Rishikesh Himalayas.
It was the Romanian cultural attaché in London and Lisbon, and after World War II, he moved to Paris where he taught at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes.
In 1957 he obtained the chair of history of religions at the University of Chicago.
addition to writing some general works of history of religions, Eliade was one of the leading specialists of shamanism, yoga and the relationship between magic and alchemy. Two of his important texts
- Shamanism and the techniques of ecstasy
- Mephistopheles and the Androgyne

Notes cover of the book "Shamanism and the techniques of ecstasy"

This is the first work that embraces shamanism in its entirety, while placing it in the perspective of a general history of religions.
Apart from some notable exceptions, in fact, the shamanic literature has neglected so far, an interpretation of this phenomenon from the perspective of the general history of religions, whose task is, in this case, to integrate the results of ethnology, as well as psychology and sociology.
Shamanism is a primitive techniques of ecstasy, it is at once mystical, magic and religion. The author makes a thorough analysis, examining the different aspects, and clarifying the various mythical and religious assumptions that underlie it.
A careful examination is dedicated to shamanic methodology, and different forms of initiation rites and shamanic events at the different peoples, races and tribes, be sure to draw a comparison measure to highlight their common characteristics.
The shaman is a magician, a "medicine man", which has the capacity to heal and work miracles fakirs, like all magicians primitive or modern. In each work is predominant the ecstatic experience, and especially in this sense that the author of the study in this work.
Shamanism is a specialty that involves the domain of magic fire, the magic flight, and so on, so even if every shaman, among other things, a magician, not every magician can be classified as a shaman.
The same goes for healing: every "medicine man" is a healer, but every shaman uses his special technique.
ecstasy, finally, the shaman through a trance during which it is believed that his soul can leave the body to take celestial ascents or descents hell. In their relations with the ghosts, then, the shaman can communicate with the dead, with demons and the "spirits of nature," without becoming its instrument.
It is therefore a volume of interest, because of the vastness of the issues and the seriousness of the discussion, scholars and enthusiasts of all branches of knowledge and which will be an extension and a complement to any education.

Index summary:

Introduction to second edition
I. General - Recruitment methods - Shamanism and mystical vocation
II. Diseases and initiatory dreams
III. The acquisition of shamanic powers
IV. The shamanic initiation
V. The symbolism of the shaman's costume and drum
VI. Shamanism in Central Asia and North
1. Heavenly Ascents - Descent into Hell
VII. Shamanism in Central Asia and North
2. Healing magic - The shaman psychopomp
VIII. Shamanism and Cosmology
IX. Shamanism in North America and South
X. Shamanism in Southeast Asia and Oceania
XI. Shamanic techniques and ideologies between the Indo
XII. Shamanic techniques and symbolism in Tibet, China and the Far East
XIII. Myths, symbols and rituals parallel
Conclusions: The formation of the North Asian shamanism

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Shamrock/irish Singlets

Shamanism Hawaiian Dianetti


Shamanism of which I speak is not Witchcraft is and is not a religion; does not require membership in a secret society, and is compatible with whatever your beliefs.
is a sacred concept of the Universe, who sees the spirit reflected in the smallest part of nature, from stone to human.
In this perspective, everything is worthy of respect, is alive and sensitive, and you can get in contact to establish a peaceful co-operation.
In shamanism, there are two schools. That followed by the majority of the shamans is called "The Way of the Warrior" and is headed to the teachings of Carlos Castaneda. In this school the focus is on combat techniques and stamina, to increase personal power and learn to defend themselves in the fight against hostile forces. This is because any disease or fear is considered a battle between opposing forces, the spirit of good must triumph over evil and victory can be achieved only by exercising greater power.
There is also the Hawaiian school, which has been called "The Way of Adventure." In this school the shaman tries to solve conflicts by creating harmony rather than going to a fight, using techniques based on cooperation and love. In sickness and in contrast to re-harmonize the Way Adventure teaches the opposite energy fields, so that the conflict has been eliminated through the return to calm and tranquility.


The Hawaiian Islands are famous worldwide for the peaceful reception given to visitors, so as to represent the ideal place to go on vacation.
All this is due to the fact that the Hawaiian people base their lifestyle on the spirit of "Aloha", a spirit of sharing and universal love.
Polynesia is a continent made up of numerous volcanic and coral islands, located in an area of \u200b\u200bEarth with great energy. The particular geographical urges its people to promote sociability and cooperation among peoples, in order to maintain the cultural and commercial contacts. This is repeated since the days when the ocean was addressed in canoes, and that is what has made the Polynesian adventurers. They understand the great value of the union, because of the fragmentation of local realities.


Several centuries ago in the Pacific Ocean instead of Polynesia was a large continent inhabited by the MU. In local mythology it is said that Mu had arrived on Earth from space, and a people who were very advanced, with great psychic powers and technology. For a long period of time they lived peacefully, teaching their techniques to the local inhabitants, but a planetary disaster, caused by the use of their powerful weapons of war, destroyed the continent making it sank into the ocean. At the end of the cataclysm the geographical aspect of the area was completely changed and where once there was an entire continent, now emerged many small islands: the current Polynesia.
The few wise men who survived the disaster went back to spread their knowledge by working in secrecy, with few followers, for fear of persecution.
The philosophy that is derived is called "Huna," which means hidden knowledge. * The


The fundamental concept of the Huna philosophy is that every human being has psychic abilities, more or less latent, which can be developed and used in a conscious way, also, all things have hidden behind the appearance of quality material.
The Kahuna are the experts and teachers of Huna philosophy, who have handed down over time the methods of healing and development of psychic abilities, while preserving the ancient knowledge in its entirety.
Current Hawaiian Shamans have opted for a public education of this philosophy, believing that humanity has now reached a stage of advancement, they can use consciously and peacefully psychic powers, to achieve personal well-being and the environment.


In today's society the majority of people residing in urban areas, and it is here that there is more need for energy and relaxation to counteract the formation stress. The teachings of the Kahuna Hawaiian reveal today particularly suitable for those living in the chaos of the city, why not include the use of masks to perform special rituals or drums to enter into a trance, but offer simple techniques and energy healing the development of psychic abilities, which can be practiced anywhere.
urban shaman no longer need to present himself as a sorcerer, with the bone in the nose and feathers in her hair. It is essentially a healer who works with the body and mind, to help improve the quality of their lives to help others and to protect nature. He is a lover of peace and harmony.
is instructed to develop the sensitivity and the ability to show events by directing the energy through the imagination. It stimulated his self-esteem and his inner authority, the techniques are taught to dissolve physical and mental blocks, is encouraged to develop qualities such as patience and flexibility.
urban shaman participate in social life entered in the fields of work and family, helping to create reality with the powers it has developed.
Through these pages I propose a path of personal evolution, based on a system of thought that is entirely pragmatic, referring to techniques to be tested directly, either alone or in groups.
The techniques are simple to perform and can be practiced in your spare time at home, at work, traveling.
Skill development is not related to initiation, but only through the exercise, it is therefore accessible to all, so it's up to you to decide the level you want to achieve, devoting the necessary time to practice.
work to be done is aimed at inner transformation, but you will realize that while transform yourself, transform both the external reality.
Let's look at a few core concepts that underpin the philosophy of Huna, which is necessary to clarify in order to understand the Hawaiian tradition.


In shamanic tradition of the ancient Hawaiians are taught that the human being is composed of several elements. He has a physical body, a field of vital energy and a mind. People tend to identify the mind with the brain, but none so far has been demonstrated as a physical organ can lead to the creative thinking, a sense of identity (which remains unchanged over the years) and feelings. Someone commented that it could turn into a brain for years, without encountering a state of mind.
The Hawaiian Kahuna say that the mind is immaterial, is the man we call consciousness, and it uses the physical instrument of the brain to act.
We could compare the brain to a computer and the mind to the technician using it.
The mind, in turn, is a collection of parts that interact as a team, carrying out different functions.
the three parts of mind are characterized by specific levels of consciousness related to their "depth" are in fact calls:
• • • Subconscious Mind conscious

The baseline is the conscious mind, because it is one on which we are tuned for the majority of the time during waking hours. The conscious mind is directly related to the physical reality of existence, working to communicate with others, evaluate events, to reason, make decisions, and seeks to achieve goals, to give meaning to life.
the subconscious works at an inner level. Directs all functions of the physical body, these involuntary, such as: the maintenance of its integrity, growth, development, reproduction, etc.. Generates emotions and feelings, performs the learning process and record all data stored in the memory and experience. This is a mental level to which you do not have direct access, except in dreams, or through techniques of introspection, analysis and relaxation. Finally there is the
Superconscious which represents the spiritual consciousness of man, that Part of being which seems to observe the body from above, guiding their steps towards a specific goal. The Superconscious is a source of inspiration for the conscious mind, providing it with knowledge and ideas to solve any problem. Sometimes it sends messages through dreams or through omens, or making it seem sudden and unexpected solutions. You can get in touch with the superconscious through meditation or prayer. The terms corresponding to
Hawaiian Superconscious, conscious and subconscious are
• • • Ku Lono


Aumakua The Spirit is the human being, divine part inserted in the field, not in the sense of God as ultimate, eternal and infinite, which is also covered in the Hawaiian tradition, but rather a sort of individualized god, an angel or a guardian, the intelligence that guides the energy to a goal. The
Aumakua or Higher Self is the source of the human being, the artist who created the model on which the body takes shape, and is also the source of energy that gives life to man and all other elements of reality enabling him to experience a physical existence.
The Higher Self part of the model of his character a goal, leaving the creativity of the mind aware of the task of interpreting this goal and pursue it with a margin of autonomy, which has great reflection on the quality of experiences that are made. Let's say the goal is to go from one point to another in a room. You can wander around in circles, move in a zig-zag, stop halfway, or advance in a straight line. This is returned to the free will of the conscious mind. The only sure thing is that you come across, how and with what satisfaction depends on personal choice. The
Aumakua follows the fate of his character, avoiding to intervene directly, except when the trajectory is clearly off course, in which case we experience a surprising problem solving that gives a jolt and gives the story in the right direction (such as contingency, chance encounters, miracles of healing).
The Higher Self is still an inspiration to the conscious mind, which can find in it all knowledge and information they need to bring harmony with life and realize their projects satisfactorily.
This type of contact is always active and must be sought in times of need, changing your state of consciousness and transcending ordinary consciousness.
Not only humans have a higher self. Every object, animal, plant has its own Aumakua, because it is the source of any existing structure: each element of the cosmos is alive, aware and sensitive. The
Aumakua is the original idea that is "behind" everything that appears in the world of forms. Akua, the Hawaiian word for the Spirit, means: the concept, fully expressed in movement.


the subconscious directs the functions of the physical body and is responsible for the preservation of memory. He receives the model of the body created dall'Aumakua and shall develop and maintain over time, taking care of her "maintenance". Pantry energy to various body organs and performs actions based on the healing of the original pattern. It's a little ' as a mechanic, who shall consult the manual of the manufacturer to perform repair of the engine of a car. The Ku makes possible all the functions of the body, such involuntary, and is responsible for setting in motion the muscles and limbs.
All these activities we are not conscious and rarely there are interested. The tasks of running the body, such as digestion, make the heart beat, assimilate food, replace old cells, and so on, there are complete strangers, we do not know how they are carried out and some do not even know existed. You need not be doctors or biologists to urinate or its metabolism. The body seems to know all this yourself, but it is the subconscious intelligence who is in charge.
most important activities of the subconscious which deals are: store all the experiences in memory (which is located in tissues and muscles of the body) and carry out instructions given by the conscious mind.
The subconscious acts as secretary and assistant of the conscious mind, we constantly focus on his moods and emotions, to receive instructions on how to behave in the face of situations of life. Take the case where we see a wild animal that comes to us immediately and there is the emotion of fear. This is the way in which the subconscious asks for instructions on what to do. The conscious mind is not emotional, currency the fact, that there may be a danger and ordered to leave. So the subconscious sets in motion the leg muscles and the result is our movement to another location. Please note that this exchange of information is not perceived as the dialogue of two separate parts, because our mind always works as a unit.
Through the mechanism of memory for the Ku can learn patterns of behavior, which then runs autonomously and that tends to maintain over time (giving rise to habits), until the conscious mind does not have a change. The first input to learning is the conscious mind, which expresses the desire to acquire a new skill; This involves the subconscious, which is exercised for some time to perform the new job until you get the model, then plugged in the memory.
Sometimes the body-mind seems to act on its own will, but this is not possible, because his actions are always and only determined by the data in memory. The material he works with the Ku is all that has been registered the environment and the beliefs and thoughts that the conscious mind has accepted for good in the past. The real problem is that the conscious mind often does not remember what was included in the database, because the memory is like a dark attic full of all sorts of household goods. Without shedding light on the "shelf" through the attention and awareness, no one knows what it may, and often some idea that seems out of fashion that there is still cluttered, making its presence felt unexpectedly.
the subconscious, with precision and punctuality, preserves everything that is the subject of experience and everything is reused at the appropriate time (at least that's what he thinks the Ku), until the conscious mind decides to do cleaning. The Subconscious
pursue pleasure and flee from suffering, faced with two negative situations choose the lesser evil.

* Lono: The conscious mind

between the spirit and body-mind places the conscious mind and sometimes it is not a comfortable position to hold, if you want to take responsibility for their own lives.
The conscious mind is what seems to respond to our sense of identity, but this is not entirely true, because even the Ku knows who we are.
However, we can identify the conscious mind with all the talk, the arguments and assessments that still echo in our heads. A
Lono is the task to make decisions and instruct the body on the behaviors and emotions that want to try. For example, a person criticizes you and your body is offended: it's up to you to decide whether to let go or return the provocation, allowing Ku posters that an aggressive response.
The mind has available to the body, to experience the response to their environmental initiatives, and the Spirit, to get off the hook every time he goes to a dead end. It participates in the Great Game Universe enduring objective limitations, imposed by the Universe itself, such as the partial ability of the five senses (some of the color bands can not be seen, some of the tones in the sounds can not be heard), or physical laws that produce gravity, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics.
So not all is possible, but nevertheless Lono is the captain of the ship and must inspire his collaboration rowers (Ku) if he wants to reach port safely.
Part personal history is necessarily predetermined by the Spirit, which is to harmonize the parallel paths of all living beings, since the project is the cosmic collective. But a portion of the adventure is directly managed by the conscious mind through free agency.
Free will not be confused with the freedom to do whatever we can think of, or have the other, or change the course of events, but is choosing how we respond or not respond to experiences that are being proposed, and decide what we want to implement, in the present, to cause a change in the future. The most
important that we have to live life with success is creativity. Through creativity, the conscious mind is able to imagine what it does not exist, because in an unlimited universe, everything is possible and there is always more than one way to do things. This gives us the ability to change the circumstances of life, imagining different solutions to those with whom we interact. During the course we will see that there are specific techniques to achieve these results. For now, I tell you that the subconscious does not distinguish between imagination and reality. So keep conscious attention on the achievement of a certain event, for a reasonable period of time, causes the subconscious to register in the memory as if it were an existing model. At this point the Spirit itself, which is the source of energy, acts to energize our model is manifested in the world of forms.
Thus what we imagine can become real and why we say that the conscious mind is a co-creator of reality, with its models alongside those already made by the Spirit. All of this is our right and we can use them fully without the fear of sin of pride. The energy is free, the only thing that may be improper is the use that we want to do. When we turn
all'Aumakua to obtain the guide, itself, through his inspiration, increase our capacity for creativity.


So far we have considered the mind and the specific functions it provides, with respect to elements of reality. Let us now see how to use the knowledge to interact with the environment in which we are engaged.
We live in a limitless universe and multidimensional, which coexist in the physical forms, the interaction energy and vibration of the Spirit. This universe is a single set, which can be viewed from multiple points of view and every angle of view different characteristics are emerging that allow to benefit in different ways.
According to Hawaiian Kahuna Reality can be observed from 4 different levels of awareness.
• On 1 level of awareness is PAPAKAHI IKE, the objective level. This is the optical
related to physical body, in which all things are accepted as true and are separated from each other. There is nature and its elements are known. There are other human beings, animals, plants. Through the hands can grasp objects and using those existing in nature, making new. This is the level of everyday life, where everything can be used or processed in accordance with the laws of physics. Everything has a beginning and an Finally, just as the body has birth and death.
• The 2nd level of awareness is PAPALUA IKE, the subjective level.
This is related to experience mental optics. We said that the mind is immaterial and that it is able to manipulate the life energy directing it toward a goal.
The psychic awareness moves into the world of energy, opening the understanding that objects, people, plants and animals are formed from the same type of substance, ie the energy itself. This is not necessarily great news, because the chemical they know that everything is composed of atoms, but since our eyes do not see atom clusters, but a book, a chair, a table, etc.. to sense the energy structure of reality is essential to transfer the consciousness in the mental realm. Everything around you has an energy field, which borders on the field than anything else. Through the energy, every point of the universe is connected to all other points, and this allows the mind to experience such phenomena as telepathy and clairvoyance. The energy dimension
things have no beginning and no end, because energy is the very foundation of existence, but everything is in constant transition from one form to another.
• The 3rd level of awareness is IKE PAPAKOLU, the symbolic level.
Everything in the Universe exists for groups of opposites: black-white, male-female high-low, good-bad, and everything is meaningful only in relation to the others.
There are no absolute values, so we can consider "dark" a cloudy afternoon, but only with respect to a sunny morning, cloudy afternoon, the same is, in turn, much more "clear" of a full moon night.
representation arises from cosmic symbols, through which you can get an interpretation of the meanings. Understanding the symbolic aspect of existence enables us to assign a value to our experiences, we can For example, ask why we happened to meet that person, at that moment, and because the dialogue was held in that way ... Every situation, every event they are there to send a message, as in dreams, any form that we represents around our thoughts, reflect unknown parts of us, and we provide guidance on our attitudes.
Through the environment we know ourselves and our sense of adventure.
• The 4th level of awareness is PAPAHA IKE, the level of identification.
This is the transcendent dimension of consciousness in which we perceive the unity of the whole, beyond the many forms. Everything is itself and at the same time is me. The IO expands into the cosmic consciousness through spiritual union and you can experience the feelings of every other life form. This level is achieved through meditation consciously, but anyone who makes random experience when he happens to feel the emotions and the sufferings of others, including objects.


Move from one level to another awareness of reality allows us to operate with different rules and powers. From the standpoint of healing, each level allows the use of specific techniques, which are valid strictly inherent to optics in which place the sick and the Shaman.
In the Level 1 techniques are used which affect the body, such as medicines, remedies, herbs, crystals, massage and transmission of energy through your hands.

In the 2nd level is used mental techniques, such as telepathic messages and positive thinking techniques, guided imagery and self-hypnosis. Clairvoyance is widely used to understand the causes of the disease and make the diagnosis. Through telepathy is an active dialogue with the forces of nature and the spiritual guides, to help stimulate the healing power.

The 3rd is the level of awareness in which he plays mostly the work of the Shaman. Are used techniques of interpretation and elaboration of dreams, symbolic healing ceremonies and rituals to acquire more energy, new skills and powers. Important tool in the 3rd level is the Shamanic Journey, which allows you to identify and develop the symbols that are the cause of the disease, allowing their conscious processing in models of healing.

At level 4 we find the most powerful but also more complex technique of healing: spiritual. Kulik is called in Hawaiian, but it is also called "shape shifting".
In this technique achieves a spiritual union between the patient and the healer, so that the healer experiences the consciousness of his client, taking the "form" and from being, is to change the energy patterns to bring them into balance.

During these lessons widely illustrate each technique, proposing also to perform the exercises on their own behalf, to pass easily from theory to practice.

From: http: alberomaestro.org

Shamrock/irish Singlets

Shamanism Hawaiian Dianetti


Shamanism of which I speak is not Witchcraft is and is not a religion; does not require membership in a secret society, and is compatible with whatever your beliefs.
is a sacred concept of the Universe, who sees the spirit reflected in the smallest part of nature, from stone to human.
In this perspective, everything is worthy of respect, is alive and sensitive, and you can get in contact to establish a peaceful co-operation.
In shamanism, there are two schools. That followed by the majority of the shamans is called "The Way of the Warrior" and is headed to the teachings of Carlos Castaneda. In this school the focus is on combat techniques and stamina, to increase personal power and learn to defend themselves in the fight against hostile forces. This is because any disease or fear is considered a battle between opposing forces, the spirit of good must triumph over evil and victory can be achieved only by exercising greater power.
There is also the Hawaiian school, which has been called "The Way of Adventure." In this school the shaman tries to solve conflicts by creating harmony rather than going to a fight, using techniques based on cooperation and love. In sickness and in contrast to re-harmonize the Way Adventure teaches the opposite energy fields, so that the conflict has been eliminated through the return to calm and tranquility.


The Hawaiian Islands are famous worldwide for the peaceful reception given to visitors, so as to represent the ideal place to go on vacation.
All this is due to the fact that the Hawaiian people base their lifestyle on the spirit of "Aloha", a spirit of sharing and universal love.
Polynesia is a continent made up of numerous volcanic and coral islands, located in an area of \u200b\u200bEarth with great energy. The particular geographical urges its people to promote sociability and cooperation among peoples, in order to maintain the cultural and commercial contacts. This is repeated since the days when the ocean was addressed in canoes, and that is what has made the Polynesian adventurers. They understand the great value of the union, because of the fragmentation of local realities.


Several centuries ago in the Pacific Ocean instead of Polynesia was a large continent inhabited by the MU. In local mythology it is said that Mu had arrived on Earth from space, and a people who were very advanced, with great psychic powers and technology. For a long period of time they lived peacefully, teaching their techniques to the local inhabitants, but a planetary disaster, caused by the use of their powerful weapons of war, destroyed the continent making it sank into the ocean. At the end of the cataclysm the geographical aspect of the area was completely changed and where once there was an entire continent, now emerged many small islands: the current Polynesia.
The few wise men who survived the disaster went back to spread their knowledge by working in secrecy, with few followers, for fear of persecution.
The philosophy that is derived is called "Huna," which means hidden knowledge. * The


The fundamental concept of the Huna philosophy is that every human being has psychic abilities, more or less latent, which can be developed and used in a conscious way, also, all things have hidden behind the appearance of quality material.
The Kahuna are the experts and teachers of Huna philosophy, who have handed down over time the methods of healing and development of psychic abilities, while preserving the ancient knowledge in its entirety.
Current Hawaiian Shamans have opted for a public education of this philosophy, believing that humanity has now reached a stage of advancement, they can use consciously and peacefully psychic powers, to achieve personal well-being and the environment.


In today's society the majority of people residing in urban areas, and it is here that there is more need for energy and relaxation to counteract the formation stress. The teachings of the Kahuna Hawaiian reveal today particularly suitable for those living in the chaos of the city, why not include the use of masks to perform special rituals or drums to enter into a trance, but offer simple techniques and energy healing the development of psychic abilities, which can be practiced anywhere.
urban shaman no longer need to present himself as a sorcerer, with the bone in the nose and feathers in her hair. It is essentially a healer who works with the body and mind, to help improve the quality of their lives to help others and to protect nature. He is a lover of peace and harmony.
is instructed to develop the sensitivity and the ability to show events by directing the energy through the imagination. It stimulated his self-esteem and his inner authority, the techniques are taught to dissolve physical and mental blocks, is encouraged to develop qualities such as patience and flexibility.
urban shaman participate in social life entered in the fields of work and family, helping to create reality with the powers it has developed.
Through these pages I propose a path of personal evolution, based on a system of thought that is entirely pragmatic, referring to techniques to be tested directly, either alone or in groups.
The techniques are simple to perform and can be practiced in your spare time at home, at work, traveling.
Skill development is not related to initiation, but only through the exercise, it is therefore accessible to all, so it's up to you to decide the level you want to achieve, devoting the necessary time to practice.
work to be done is aimed at inner transformation, but you will realize that while transform yourself, transform both the external reality.
Let's look at a few core concepts that underpin the philosophy of Huna, which is necessary to clarify in order to understand the Hawaiian tradition.


In shamanic tradition of the ancient Hawaiians are taught that the human being is composed of several elements. He has a physical body, a field of vital energy and a mind. People tend to identify the mind with the brain, but none so far has been demonstrated as a physical organ can lead to the creative thinking, a sense of identity (which remains unchanged over the years) and feelings. Someone commented that it could turn into a brain for years, without encountering a state of mind.
The Hawaiian Kahuna say that the mind is immaterial, is the man we call consciousness, and it uses the physical instrument of the brain to act.
We could compare the brain to a computer and the mind to the technician using it.
The mind, in turn, is a collection of parts that interact as a team, carrying out different functions.
the three parts of mind are characterized by specific levels of consciousness related to their "depth" are in fact calls:
• • • Subconscious Mind conscious

The baseline is the conscious mind, because it is one on which we are tuned for the majority of the time during waking hours. The conscious mind is directly related to the physical reality of existence, working to communicate with others, evaluate events, to reason, make decisions, and seeks to achieve goals, to give meaning to life.
the subconscious works at an inner level. Directs all functions of the physical body, these involuntary, such as: the maintenance of its integrity, growth, development, reproduction, etc.. Generates emotions and feelings, performs the learning process and record all data stored in the memory and experience. This is a mental level to which you do not have direct access, except in dreams, or through techniques of introspection, analysis and relaxation. Finally there is the
Superconscious which represents the spiritual consciousness of man, that Part of being which seems to observe the body from above, guiding their steps towards a specific goal. The Superconscious is a source of inspiration for the conscious mind, providing it with knowledge and ideas to solve any problem. Sometimes it sends messages through dreams or through omens, or making it seem sudden and unexpected solutions. You can get in touch with the superconscious through meditation or prayer. The terms corresponding to
Hawaiian Superconscious, conscious and subconscious are
• • • Ku Lono


Aumakua The Spirit is the human being, divine part inserted in the field, not in the sense of God as ultimate, eternal and infinite, which is also covered in the Hawaiian tradition, but rather a sort of individualized god, an angel or a guardian, the intelligence that guides the energy to a goal. The
Aumakua or Higher Self is the source of the human being, the artist who created the model on which the body takes shape, and is also the source of energy that gives life to man and all other elements of reality enabling him to experience a physical existence.
The Higher Self part of the model of his character a goal, leaving the creativity of the mind aware of the task of interpreting this goal and pursue it with a margin of autonomy, which has great reflection on the quality of experiences that are made. Let's say the goal is to go from one point to another in a room. You can wander around in circles, move in a zig-zag, stop halfway, or advance in a straight line. This is returned to the free will of the conscious mind. The only sure thing is that you come across, how and with what satisfaction depends on personal choice. The
Aumakua follows the fate of his character, avoiding to intervene directly, except when the trajectory is clearly off course, in which case we experience a surprising problem solving that gives a jolt and gives the story in the right direction (such as contingency, chance encounters, miracles of healing).
The Higher Self is still an inspiration to the conscious mind, which can find in it all knowledge and information they need to bring harmony with life and realize their projects satisfactorily.
This type of contact is always active and must be sought in times of need, changing your state of consciousness and transcending ordinary consciousness.
Not only humans have a higher self. Every object, animal, plant has its own Aumakua, because it is the source of any existing structure: each element of the cosmos is alive, aware and sensitive. The
Aumakua is the original idea that is "behind" everything that appears in the world of forms. Akua, the Hawaiian word for the Spirit, means: the concept, fully expressed in movement.


the subconscious directs the functions of the physical body and is responsible for the preservation of memory. He receives the model of the body created dall'Aumakua and shall develop and maintain over time, taking care of her "maintenance". Pantry energy to various body organs and performs actions based on the healing of the original pattern. It's a little ' as a mechanic, who shall consult the manual of the manufacturer to perform repair of the engine of a car. The Ku makes possible all the functions of the body, such involuntary, and is responsible for setting in motion the muscles and limbs.
All these activities we are not conscious and rarely there are interested. The tasks of running the body, such as digestion, make the heart beat, assimilate food, replace old cells, and so on, there are complete strangers, we do not know how they are carried out and some do not even know existed. You need not be doctors or biologists to urinate or its metabolism. The body seems to know all this yourself, but it is the subconscious intelligence who is in charge.
most important activities of the subconscious which deals are: store all the experiences in memory (which is located in tissues and muscles of the body) and carry out instructions given by the conscious mind.
The subconscious acts as secretary and assistant of the conscious mind, we constantly focus on his moods and emotions, to receive instructions on how to behave in the face of situations of life. Take the case where we see a wild animal that comes to us immediately and there is the emotion of fear. This is the way in which the subconscious asks for instructions on what to do. The conscious mind is not emotional, currency the fact, that there may be a danger and ordered to leave. So the subconscious sets in motion the leg muscles and the result is our movement to another location. Please note that this exchange of information is not perceived as the dialogue of two separate parts, because our mind always works as a unit.
Through the mechanism of memory for the Ku can learn patterns of behavior, which then runs autonomously and that tends to maintain over time (giving rise to habits), until the conscious mind does not have a change. The first input to learning is the conscious mind, which expresses the desire to acquire a new skill; This involves the subconscious, which is exercised for some time to perform the new job until you get the model, then plugged in the memory.
Sometimes the body-mind seems to act on its own will, but this is not possible, because his actions are always and only determined by the data in memory. The material he works with the Ku is all that has been registered the environment and the beliefs and thoughts that the conscious mind has accepted for good in the past. The real problem is that the conscious mind often does not remember what was included in the database, because the memory is like a dark attic full of all sorts of household goods. Without shedding light on the "shelf" through the attention and awareness, no one knows what it may, and often some idea that seems out of fashion that there is still cluttered, making its presence felt unexpectedly.
the subconscious, with precision and punctuality, preserves everything that is the subject of experience and everything is reused at the appropriate time (at least that's what he thinks the Ku), until the conscious mind decides to do cleaning. The Subconscious
pursue pleasure and flee from suffering, faced with two negative situations choose the lesser evil.

* Lono: The conscious mind

between the spirit and body-mind places the conscious mind and sometimes it is not a comfortable position to hold, if you want to take responsibility for their own lives.
The conscious mind is what seems to respond to our sense of identity, but this is not entirely true, because even the Ku knows who we are.
However, we can identify the conscious mind with all the talk, the arguments and assessments that still echo in our heads. A
Lono is the task to make decisions and instruct the body on the behaviors and emotions that want to try. For example, a person criticizes you and your body is offended: it's up to you to decide whether to let go or return the provocation, allowing Ku posters that an aggressive response.
The mind has available to the body, to experience the response to their environmental initiatives, and the Spirit, to get off the hook every time he goes to a dead end. It participates in the Great Game Universe enduring objective limitations, imposed by the Universe itself, such as the partial ability of the five senses (some of the color bands can not be seen, some of the tones in the sounds can not be heard), or physical laws that produce gravity, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics.
So not all is possible, but nevertheless Lono is the captain of the ship and must inspire his collaboration rowers (Ku) if he wants to reach port safely.
Part personal history is necessarily predetermined by the Spirit, which is to harmonize the parallel paths of all living beings, since the project is the cosmic collective. But a portion of the adventure is directly managed by the conscious mind through free agency.
Free will not be confused with the freedom to do whatever we can think of, or have the other, or change the course of events, but is choosing how we respond or not respond to experiences that are being proposed, and decide what we want to implement, in the present, to cause a change in the future. The most
important that we have to live life with success is creativity. Through creativity, the conscious mind is able to imagine what it does not exist, because in an unlimited universe, everything is possible and there is always more than one way to do things. This gives us the ability to change the circumstances of life, imagining different solutions to those with whom we interact. During the course we will see that there are specific techniques to achieve these results. For now, I tell you that the subconscious does not distinguish between imagination and reality. So keep conscious attention on the achievement of a certain event, for a reasonable period of time, causes the subconscious to register in the memory as if it were an existing model. At this point the Spirit itself, which is the source of energy, acts to energize our model is manifested in the world of forms.
Thus what we imagine can become real and why we say that the conscious mind is a co-creator of reality, with its models alongside those already made by the Spirit. All of this is our right and we can use them fully without the fear of sin of pride. The energy is free, the only thing that may be improper is the use that we want to do. When we turn
all'Aumakua to obtain the guide, itself, through his inspiration, increase our capacity for creativity.


So far we have considered the mind and the specific functions it provides, with respect to elements of reality. Let us now see how to use the knowledge to interact with the environment in which we are engaged.
We live in a limitless universe and multidimensional, which coexist in the physical forms, the interaction energy and vibration of the Spirit. This universe is a single set, which can be viewed from multiple points of view and every angle of view different characteristics are emerging that allow to benefit in different ways.
According to Hawaiian Kahuna Reality can be observed from 4 different levels of awareness.
• On 1 level of awareness is PAPAKAHI IKE, the objective level. This is the optical
related to physical body, in which all things are accepted as true and are separated from each other. There is nature and its elements are known. There are other human beings, animals, plants. Through the hands can grasp objects and using those existing in nature, making new. This is the level of everyday life, where everything can be used or processed in accordance with the laws of physics. Everything has a beginning and an Finally, just as the body has birth and death.
• The 2nd level of awareness is PAPALUA IKE, the subjective level.
This is related to experience mental optics. We said that the mind is immaterial and that it is able to manipulate the life energy directing it toward a goal.
The psychic awareness moves into the world of energy, opening the understanding that objects, people, plants and animals are formed from the same type of substance, ie the energy itself. This is not necessarily great news, because the chemical they know that everything is composed of atoms, but since our eyes do not see atom clusters, but a book, a chair, a table, etc.. to sense the energy structure of reality is essential to transfer the consciousness in the mental realm. Everything around you has an energy field, which borders on the field than anything else. Through the energy, every point of the universe is connected to all other points, and this allows the mind to experience such phenomena as telepathy and clairvoyance. The energy dimension
things have no beginning and no end, because energy is the very foundation of existence, but everything is in constant transition from one form to another.
• The 3rd level of awareness is IKE PAPAKOLU, the symbolic level.
Everything in the Universe exists for groups of opposites: black-white, male-female high-low, good-bad, and everything is meaningful only in relation to the others.
There are no absolute values, so we can consider "dark" a cloudy afternoon, but only with respect to a sunny morning, cloudy afternoon, the same is, in turn, much more "clear" of a full moon night.
representation arises from cosmic symbols, through which you can get an interpretation of the meanings. Understanding the symbolic aspect of existence enables us to assign a value to our experiences, we can For example, ask why we happened to meet that person, at that moment, and because the dialogue was held in that way ... Every situation, every event they are there to send a message, as in dreams, any form that we represents around our thoughts, reflect unknown parts of us, and we provide guidance on our attitudes.
Through the environment we know ourselves and our sense of adventure.
• The 4th level of awareness is PAPAHA IKE, the level of identification.
This is the transcendent dimension of consciousness in which we perceive the unity of the whole, beyond the many forms. Everything is itself and at the same time is me. The IO expands into the cosmic consciousness through spiritual union and you can experience the feelings of every other life form. This level is achieved through meditation consciously, but anyone who makes random experience when he happens to feel the emotions and the sufferings of others, including objects.


Move from one level to another awareness of reality allows us to operate with different rules and powers. From the standpoint of healing, each level allows the use of specific techniques, which are valid strictly inherent to optics in which place the sick and the Shaman.
In the Level 1 techniques are used which affect the body, such as medicines, remedies, herbs, crystals, massage and transmission of energy through your hands.

In the 2nd level is used mental techniques, such as telepathic messages and positive thinking techniques, guided imagery and self-hypnosis. Clairvoyance is widely used to understand the causes of the disease and make the diagnosis. Through telepathy is an active dialogue with the forces of nature and the spiritual guides, to help stimulate the healing power.

The 3rd is the level of awareness in which he plays mostly the work of the Shaman. Are used techniques of interpretation and elaboration of dreams, symbolic healing ceremonies and rituals to acquire more energy, new skills and powers. Important tool in the 3rd level is the Shamanic Journey, which allows you to identify and develop the symbols that are the cause of the disease, allowing their conscious processing in models of healing.

At level 4 we find the most powerful but also more complex technique of healing: spiritual. Kulik is called in Hawaiian, but it is also called "shape shifting".
In this technique achieves a spiritual union between the patient and the healer, so that the healer experiences the consciousness of his client, taking the "form" and from being, is to change the energy patterns to bring them into balance.

During these lessons widely illustrate each technique, proposing also to perform the exercises on their own behalf, to pass easily from theory to practice.

From: http: alberomaestro.org

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fotos Violations Woman


The ego expands and embraces the universe. The space-time blending into the black seething magma of colors and chimeras. Echoes of the absolute. Revelations. Communion is a dip in ferment of the universe for those who believe nell'ayahuasca, the creeper of the original spirit of the Amazon, consumed as a sacrament by thousands of followers of animist-Christian cults in recent years have been taking root in every continent. In the shadow of secrecy. For if in the Netherlands and the United States the law has some exceptions, Japan, Australia, Russia, Germany, France and Spain, the use of drugs, though ceremonial, has always been punished. And for this reason, three years ago, also in Italy a dozen people, including the anthropologist Walter Menozzi, have had their troubles with the law.

Used for centuries by shamans against a thousand evils for its purifying and immune, This climbing plant that grows in damp, dark recesses of the jungle (Ayach in Quechua means 'spirit' and Wasko 'vine') induces visions and distorts perceptions and associative processes. But it is not a mere drug, they insist the faithful of Santo Daime, Uniao do Vegetal and Barquinha, congregations were born last century in Brazil and become a global phenomenon in the wake of New Age syncretism. The alteration is indeed a state of grace. And the plant, through which nature speaks to man - is a manifestation of Jesus

The Catholic Church and other major Christian denominations have never digested a similar animist beliefs, but eventually chose the silence, avoiding curses that have radicalized the comparing and adopting the philosophy of live and let live, as in the past had produced in front of other faiths encounter of Christianity with indigenous cultures.

Outside Brazil, however, starting with Europe, where several hundred are believed to be now, initiates ayahuasca live as conspirators. The mixture of leaves is necessary to obtain the hallucinogen, confessed some of them come from countries of the Amazon basin hidden in simple packages of tea. And the communities come together with the maximum discretion in homes or private premises. In Britain, where around 500 would be scattered across several counties, are also found in some churches on the pretext of rehearsing the chorus, as they sources revealed recently taken by the newspaper 'Times'.

Yet in 2001 the Dutch government granted to the faithful of the Holy Daime a license for the sacramental use of drugs, and in 2005 the U.S. Supreme Court did the same with a colony of the Uniao do Vegetal, taking note of an unusual property liana of the spirit that, used properly, does not appear to cause damage or drug addiction. Or so at least show the data collected so far by science and experience of 'Entronauta' and artists like Allen Ginsberg, Paul Simon, Sting, Tori Amos.

And Isabel Allende, only through the catharsis experienced with ayahuasca has overcome the existential crisis that had slipped in the nineties failing to complete a trilogy of stories devoted to his grandchildren and now filming in Hollywood.

After drinking the decoction verdemarrone thick and prepared by a Peruvian shaman, he later told the writer in an interview, "are plunged into a dark world" that at times turned into kaleidoscopic visions, apparitions, sequences of real life: "I was no longer the body, soul, spirit or anything else." Two days later, "I woke up, aching but lucid" as reborn: "I had overcome the fear of death and lived through the eternity of the spirit."

In their journal 'Yage Letters' (another name for ayahuasca Indian), William Burroughs and Ginsberg also speak terms of similar experiments in the Amazon for 'expanding consciousness' and treat - but in vain - the heroin addiction.

The spiritual experience, say the uninitiated, is an intrinsic part of the effects dell'allucinogeno much as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, ran to the bathroom. And nightmares, because while the drug harsh and bitter purge and helps the body fight infections and metabolic disorders, the mind is measured by light and shadow in a roller coaster of emotions.
In the end, declared as a heart surgeon of St. Paul to the microphones of the BBC, always occurs in "a sense of calm and clarity, which helps you work and live in harmony with others."

That is the power of the beverage obtained from the leaves of Banisteriopsis caapi, the ayahuasca itself, macerated and then boiled for hours with leaves psicotria viridis, Mimosa hostilis, justicia pectoralis and many other plants. In alchemy always different in different areas of the Amazon, according to recipes that sometimes also cover tobacco or cocoa.

In reality the plants with hallucinogenic virtues are widespread in nature. And in the recent book 'The Antipodes of the mind' Benny Shannon, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, said that similar plants were used ayahuasca for religious purposes even by the ancient Jews, including Moses. What has sparked the ire of Christians and Jews, most Orthodox circles, forcing the scholar at the time to tighten and clarify a few days ago, the columns of the 'Financial Times', he never wanted to understand that Moses was 'done', when the Sinai saw the burning bush was not consumed.

What makes a powerful hallucinogen ayahuasca is the high concentration of DMT (dimethyltryptamine) and alkaloids that facilitate the assimilation, boosted by the levels of serotonin in the body.

is how experiences and emotions, conscious or unconscious, subliminal perceptions and feelings of each grade are relived as hallucinations. A flood that sweeps away everything, and then return to the beach of the newspaper's mind enhanced awareness and stripped of all anxiety. It would be just like the shaman leads to infinite dimensions dell'ultraterreno.

And so the faithful of the Holy Daime live the transubstantiation of the sacred vine when in a row, dressed in white, going to get the potion from the ladle and there is intensive padrinho then apologies in universal love. How did Mestre Irineu, the mestizo Raimundu Irineu Serra, experienced rubber tappers, who in 1930 built a church in the middle of the jungle, having had a vision of the Virgin Mary under the effect of the Daime (ayahuasca another Indian name) , giving rise to a cult that soon proved to have taken great people. Brasilia that pushed to legalize the use of ceremonial drug that, in just a few decades, the cathedral of Céu do Mapia had spread in the cities, even among professionals and academics. And after the war began to affect the world through culture and mystical psychedelic beat and hippie era, gaining followers, especially after the master's death in 1971, when the disciples left the Santo Daime to found other churches. Bringing their beliefs on all continents, in the wake of migration in Brazil and the testimonies of explorers of the New Age in the meantime had ventured on a pilgrimage in the thick of the Amazon. Under cover of adventurers or, more recently, experts with specialized agencies such as the American Blue Morpho, who know where to find the shaman and take charge of the first part of a longer journey toward transcendence.

For the psychiatrist Charles Grob of the University of California, Los Angeles, there is practically no recreational use of ayahuasca, but sought by many believers because of the "deep religious quality" of his hallucinations. Shannon, however, this quality is nothing more than hallucination. And for the plant, on balance, there are only anxiolytic effects. The only certainty Dmt scientifically proven.

Source: sostanze.info
Insights: madreayahuasca.com

Fotos Violations Woman


The ego expands and embraces the universe. The space-time blending into the black seething magma of colors and chimeras. Echoes of the absolute. Revelations. Communion is a dip in ferment of the universe for those who believe nell'ayahuasca, the creeper of the original spirit of the Amazon, consumed as a sacrament by thousands of followers of animist-Christian cults in recent years have been taking root in every continent. In the shadow of secrecy. For if in the Netherlands and the United States the law has some exceptions, Japan, Australia, Russia, Germany, France and Spain, the use of drugs, though ceremonial, has always been punished. And for this reason, three years ago, also in Italy a dozen people, including the anthropologist Walter Menozzi, have had their troubles with the law.

Used for centuries by shamans against a thousand evils for its purifying and immune, This climbing plant that grows in damp, dark recesses of the jungle (Ayach in Quechua means 'spirit' and Wasko 'vine') induces visions and distorts perceptions and associative processes. But it is not a mere drug, they insist the faithful of Santo Daime, Uniao do Vegetal and Barquinha, congregations were born last century in Brazil and become a global phenomenon in the wake of New Age syncretism. The alteration is indeed a state of grace. And the plant, through which nature speaks to man - is a manifestation of Jesus

The Catholic Church and other major Christian denominations have never digested a similar animist beliefs, but eventually chose the silence, avoiding curses that have radicalized the comparing and adopting the philosophy of live and let live, as in the past had produced in front of other faiths encounter of Christianity with indigenous cultures.

Outside Brazil, however, starting with Europe, where several hundred are believed to be now, initiates ayahuasca live as conspirators. The mixture of leaves is necessary to obtain the hallucinogen, confessed some of them come from countries of the Amazon basin hidden in simple packages of tea. And the communities come together with the maximum discretion in homes or private premises. In Britain, where around 500 would be scattered across several counties, are also found in some churches on the pretext of rehearsing the chorus, as they sources revealed recently taken by the newspaper 'Times'.

Yet in 2001 the Dutch government granted to the faithful of the Holy Daime a license for the sacramental use of drugs, and in 2005 the U.S. Supreme Court did the same with a colony of the Uniao do Vegetal, taking note of an unusual property liana of the spirit that, used properly, does not appear to cause damage or drug addiction. Or so at least show the data collected so far by science and experience of 'Entronauta' and artists like Allen Ginsberg, Paul Simon, Sting, Tori Amos.

And Isabel Allende, only through the catharsis experienced with ayahuasca has overcome the existential crisis that had slipped in the nineties failing to complete a trilogy of stories devoted to his grandchildren and now filming in Hollywood.

After drinking the decoction verdemarrone thick and prepared by a Peruvian shaman, he later told the writer in an interview, "are plunged into a dark world" that at times turned into kaleidoscopic visions, apparitions, sequences of real life: "I was no longer the body, soul, spirit or anything else." Two days later, "I woke up, aching but lucid" as reborn: "I had overcome the fear of death and lived through the eternity of the spirit."

In their journal 'Yage Letters' (another name for ayahuasca Indian), William Burroughs and Ginsberg also speak terms of similar experiments in the Amazon for 'expanding consciousness' and treat - but in vain - the heroin addiction.

The spiritual experience, say the uninitiated, is an intrinsic part of the effects dell'allucinogeno much as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, ran to the bathroom. And nightmares, because while the drug harsh and bitter purge and helps the body fight infections and metabolic disorders, the mind is measured by light and shadow in a roller coaster of emotions.
In the end, declared as a heart surgeon of St. Paul to the microphones of the BBC, always occurs in "a sense of calm and clarity, which helps you work and live in harmony with others."

That is the power of the beverage obtained from the leaves of Banisteriopsis caapi, the ayahuasca itself, macerated and then boiled for hours with leaves psicotria viridis, Mimosa hostilis, justicia pectoralis and many other plants. In alchemy always different in different areas of the Amazon, according to recipes that sometimes also cover tobacco or cocoa.

In reality the plants with hallucinogenic virtues are widespread in nature. And in the recent book 'The Antipodes of the mind' Benny Shannon, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, said that similar plants were used ayahuasca for religious purposes even by the ancient Jews, including Moses. What has sparked the ire of Christians and Jews, most Orthodox circles, forcing the scholar at the time to tighten and clarify a few days ago, the columns of the 'Financial Times', he never wanted to understand that Moses was 'done', when the Sinai saw the burning bush was not consumed.

What makes a powerful hallucinogen ayahuasca is the high concentration of DMT (dimethyltryptamine) and alkaloids that facilitate the assimilation, boosted by the levels of serotonin in the body.

is how experiences and emotions, conscious or unconscious, subliminal perceptions and feelings of each grade are relived as hallucinations. A flood that sweeps away everything, and then return to the beach of the newspaper's mind enhanced awareness and stripped of all anxiety. It would be just like the shaman leads to infinite dimensions dell'ultraterreno.

And so the faithful of the Holy Daime live the transubstantiation of the sacred vine when in a row, dressed in white, going to get the potion from the ladle and there is intensive padrinho then apologies in universal love. How did Mestre Irineu, the mestizo Raimundu Irineu Serra, experienced rubber tappers, who in 1930 built a church in the middle of the jungle, having had a vision of the Virgin Mary under the effect of the Daime (ayahuasca another Indian name) , giving rise to a cult that soon proved to have taken great people. Brasilia that pushed to legalize the use of ceremonial drug that, in just a few decades, the cathedral of Céu do Mapia had spread in the cities, even among professionals and academics. And after the war began to affect the world through culture and mystical psychedelic beat and hippie era, gaining followers, especially after the master's death in 1971, when the disciples left the Santo Daime to found other churches. Bringing their beliefs on all continents, in the wake of migration in Brazil and the testimonies of explorers of the New Age in the meantime had ventured on a pilgrimage in the thick of the Amazon. Under cover of adventurers or, more recently, experts with specialized agencies such as the American Blue Morpho, who know where to find the shaman and take charge of the first part of a longer journey toward transcendence.

For the psychiatrist Charles Grob of the University of California, Los Angeles, there is practically no recreational use of ayahuasca, but sought by many believers because of the "deep religious quality" of his hallucinations. Shannon, however, this quality is nothing more than hallucination. And for the plant, on balance, there are only anxiolytic effects. The only certainty Dmt scientifically proven.

Source: sostanze.info
Insights: madreayahuasca.com

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thank You Letter For Dental Camp

KARMA according to the "Circle of Florence 77" Living

I enter this fine article by my Brig.Zero reported.
Karma according to the "school" of the Circle of Florence 77.
And we see that as usual the streets and the theories converge, all he meets, from East to West, from India to Native Americans, and so on.

paths of truth that can not make that much closer to half.

The dynamics of karma

As this term is in fashion in the West! It is used as a blunder! Karma means fate, punishment, trial, while, in effect, karma is activity: it is neither more nor less than an effect, part of that chain of causes, so dear to the determinists, that moves the life of beings. Karma
so everything is not only an exceptional occurrence that changes the lives unexpectedly and involuntarily. Karma is a stomach ache the tooth, the muscles of the athlete is trained, has the blond hair that the lady is discolored, it is the germ of the seed sown in fertile ground, and so on and on.
Karma is not destiny, if by that means something that happens without explanation and without volition, not because it is a punishment in itself is neither good nor bad, but the very nature of the case is the effect. To confirm this, I quote the statement that the naturalist's life Nature is incomprehensible if you do not recognize the principle of causality, ie if it is postulated that by maintaining, modifying, removing the cause, change is maintained, the effect is suppressed.
Karma is not evidence, if anything, is teaching, because it completes the experience brought, and, from experience, you learn.

Karma and conscience

saying that karma is activity, action, you may mistakenly believe that the matter concerns only the physical plane.
I mentioned earlier that there is a chain of causes and effects for each world and therefore for all human activity: one for physics, that of feeling, that compensatory measures and so on.
That "etc." stands for the world to hear, to the human conscience, true target and a source of karma, because this is where an impact is affected by the experience, it is from here, because it may lack or wealth, that 'man directs himself to certain experiences or others.
Karma, then, is just a situation external to the extent that it serves to produce the inner turmoil that gives understanding, and thus consciousness. And 'that is so logical. Each activity is never just one world: for example, the physical action is preceded, accompanied, followed by feelings and thoughts, and is promoted or allowed by the feeling, the consciousness of man, Therefore, the effect must be global, then going to strike at the heart of the individual, that the source of the way of being, the real culprit of the individual.
Everything comes easy in the dynamics, although, in detail, the karma has been likened to a rope made from many threads. Suppose that Tom is stingy. Meanwhile, it is because his conscience is not formed so that he could not be. I say this because of greed can be many reasons: for example, need to accumulate to search for security, lack of generosity toward others, and e on. However
every reason vanish in a breath of altruism: in fact, the end is this, that the set of experiences, karma, teach. Our
stingy miser to think, will want to be a miser, will act as a miser, that feed into a causal chain in which every kind of human activity is guided by avarice: physical activity, feeling and thought.
The effect of its activities that could impact on the physical, astral and mental. How do you affect? Here, in response, you must know the reason of greed, beyond the lack of altruism.
Suppose it did not want to give to others, desire to accumulate for more than the others. The causes he put his lead, as a result, in situations which will realize that you do not need to have a craving for goods and wealth.
Such understanding will emerge, for example, from living in a next life he will live a situation in which the avarice of his fellow man and will be the victim.
At that point he has learned not to be mean but did not get the desire to be more than the others.
a result will have another life in which, for example, sees fit to reach the examination and appraisal of others as the prodigal.
And so on. Here is the chain of deterministic causes in what is called karma is a part. But everything is karma.
Many believe that karma is cause by making a wrong choice, conscious but to err, and that only then move the cause, which will invoke the painful effect.
Such a view would be correct if the pain was punishment, but it is not so: the purpose of karma is to give awareness that the lack of which makes the individual so do not be harmonious with the reality of union of the Whole.
Because there is so much that no one's awareness of the fact that it is not, who is not aware if anything is even more lacking - it is clear that it does not matter, the effects of karma, which has called knowingly or not.
The main aspects of the law of cause and effect can be summarized as follows:
1. Each activity promoted or induced or initiated freely carries with it an effect.
2. This principle applies to the physical world to that of sensations, that of thought, in short, for each world and each category of phenomena.
3. The effect is of the nature of the case and is closely linked to it.
4. Cases are created unintentionally as many volunteers, because the occurrence of the effect is not subject to the consummation aware of the case.
5. The impact falls on those who have moved the cause.
6. The effect lies in order to give consciousness to the person who promoted him.
7. The effect falls when the subject is ready to understand, that when the subject, by the effect, is the consciousness that he was missing.

The chain and redemption

The chain of causes and effects of that move and promote people's lives intersect and have continued recurrent connections.
can not be otherwise: if everything is One, there must be a close relationship between the parties.
As I said earlier, there is only one elementary particle that is completely isolated. Everything has a dependent relationship with something else. If there were, to an absurd situation, something that was completely independent, it would be unrealistic.
because nobody can be outside the chain of causes and effects of addiction, which binds all that exists. And if you say that it is all karma, you say why Karma is precisely the chain of cause and effect that binds the whole. No one can escape the karma.
course, there's karma and karma, but also have the opportunity to make these quantum leaps in the chain of causes and effects of which I spoke first. Make quantum leaps is the freedom, the autonomy of the individual.
Now, because freedom is the ability to act contrary to that which would lead to a chain of cause and effect, and as the conscience is formed that gives the individual the power to escape the impulses of his lower vehicles (egoism , passions, and so on) and consequently to environmental stimuli, and as consciousness is as it evolves and vice versa, it is clear that freedom is proportional to evolution.
But mind you: the evolved not out of any chain of cause and effect because it would be unrealistic. He does jump
quality, that is to feel his conscience so that you not be drawn inexorably to the need, which allows him to live in a serene what for others is a source of anxiety, which does not create shadows do not torture and that the moves leading causes painful effects.
However, this does not mean that evolved not hear, for example, the fatigue effect of a cause which he promoted. Living in a manner that the fatigue dall'inevoluto different, they will not be affected, will know how to dispose of it briefly, but it will not warn you.
Karma - or what is meant by this word - that is such a limiting condition for most people, lived in a different way even if it has the same setting. A
blindness, for example, can be lived happily or anxiously. Similarly, among the most people doing the same thing can lead to different karma. And it is logical enough, since in fact the real target and the true source of karma, as I said, it is the individual consciousness, so is the feeling, intent, which drives all activity of the individual, and that's what must be correct and is therefore subject after correction.
If the nature, content effects, were similar to the one that was only the outward manifestation of the individual agent, the effect would only rarely center because many hide opposite intentions to actions that may transpire! Altruistic conduct that hides a selfish end can not make an effect equal to those conducted in intention.
In fact, the effect is not a reward or punishment, is something that tends to correct the root causes of the nature of those moves, that being, and then to change the intention. Think a bit ', to achieve this, many factors must take account of the karma! Yet everything is accomplished admirably.
No one keeps records to give and get, but for the principle of cause and effect, the chain somehow sensed by the determinists is no guarantee that nothing falls to empty, all that is handed down, that everything comes back as a picture reflection of themselves, it calls for knowledge of their deficiencies and remedying it. The conception of reality in which nothing is done randomly and each has what it brought to esserselo, removes all the frustration that comes from being persecuted, hapless, the subject of injustice. As everyone suffers
corresponds to a measure of justice that leaves no room for mistakes and privileges, where suffering is just a transitory period in exchange for a permanent acquisition.
The ability of man to escape the influences and impulses, when it is able to make a quantum leap, giving it the autonomy that rescues him from strict protection to which they are subject elementary beings with a conscience.
Looking around you can verify this and believe it without having to commit an act of faith, without force, with the only tool of reasoning.

Add the Grand Good contribution to the discussion of Omega:

Excerpts: "Live the moment and see and recognize yourself"

"The moment is an element of the day. Every moment brings out in us many feelings and thoughts, that a careful observation are as images: memories of events and experiences, or even images from the world of our ideas. What the moment radiates to every man in line with what he now needs to recognize and fix. Each of us has a different state of consciousness and so it corresponds to the day he was meeting with feelings and thoughts which, according to his conscience he can recognize and understand. Each of us can understand the language of moments, ie the components of the day: the seconds, minutes and hours, as these are reproductions of his productions. The components of the day are addressed to each individual differently, depending on its production. The same computer again to man all that he has placed on this reincarnation and earlier, and that has not yet settled. They are all our failings against the eternal law: our feelings, thoughts and negative words, our negative behavior, our passions, our instincts, or our excessive human desires. They could also be the ties with our neighbor, which for example we have taken the liberty, by imposing our views.

Everything 's soul and man have not the system is brought to light by the computer as a causal effect, the computer then speaks to each of us in our language. Each of us can feel his recordings in their own language and see it in pictures that he has issued since it is of his own productions. But we can perceive only the living in the moment, indeed, living the same moment. Many men, however, fail to capture the moments of the day and then do not even recognize the language of their own productions, are left to push the forces that do not correspond to their life force. For this reason, they are "handled", allowing use of different energies and forces from anime and energy fields. "

Our thought forms

" If we do not live on the alert and conscious during the day and in everything happens to us, but outside from the present - that is, in the past or future - we waste our lives and we lose more and more energy physics. Scroll to us that only certain amount of divine power is needed to keep the body alive. The rest, meaning that all other energies, we or our fellow men, tying them to us as slaves, making them slaves and leading them to do our will, or take them to various vices such as overeating, drinking or exaggerated sexuality . These additional energy, however, are not pure, but energies are converted to a lower level and only seems to compensate for loss of power. Each defect shows a lack of 'soul. Since the 'soul and man have too little vital energy, whether by the prosecution these defects. When there is such a lack of energy, and the 'soul man stagnating in their spiritual development. In many cases, then, the 'soul rebels, to show that man must remove the deficiency which led to the excesses and vices. The elements of the day, the moments, help in this regard. Who does not observe the many signs and warnings that are given, year after year in the countless moments of the day, adds further forms of thought-what 's life already bears within it.

Who, then, has stagnated for years and decades, thinking all the time, day after day, the same or similar things, creates one or more thought-forms in his own image and likeness to be ready recalled. If we reflect on our past always speaks of him, quote him reviving his image in the present, we create thought-forms of the past. If we persist for years in litigation with our neighbor and we always talk of what caused the fight and we revive in our feelings and our thoughts, we create, in this way, a thought-form. If we underestimate for years one of our fellow - that is, if we do not find anything good in him - we create with this, a thought-form. If we try with all possible means at our disposal, even incorrect, to put someone in a bad light, we create with this, one or more thought-forms. If maligned, despised, laughed someone or leave it completely at the mercy of others, we create with this, one or more thought-forms. If we create images with the thought of the future - whatever they may be - we create, in this way, the thought-forms. If a person for years and decades, reflects or always talking about the same or similar things, or repeating the same things, creates, thereby, the corresponding thought forms.

Who, then, for years does not live in the moment, not only is "beside himself", but also creates thought-forms invisible to the outside of him. Wherever you go our feelings, thoughts, desires and passions, there is a part of our consciousness, we build invisible figures of our human ego. Annotiamocelo: everything is energy. So every feeling, every thought, every word, every action, every movement, every passion, every instinct, every vice is energy. Since no energy is lost, it must be somewhere well. As we know, our positive energy - the way we feel, think, speak and act divine - enter the 'universal soul and powerful computer, through God' s soul, radiate into the body and they offer us in health, peace and happiness . These gifts of the inner life and then bring them into the world and help with this, so that other people achieve inner peace and altruism. Even our negative energies entering the 'soul. They are recorded cause the computer. If we, for years and decades, we do not pay attention to the elements of the day, in very well - that many pulses to change their way of thinking and observing the laws of God - we create more thought-forms.

These, after all, are nothing but our own "copy" are, namely, ourselves, why are formed by the negative impact that we radiate. We define the thought-forms from similar or identical to those aspects of our human ego even our fields of thought. We also compare the thought-forms in the invisible beings, nebulous, making up the image of our respondents, which we confer pulse and strength to act continually repeating the same or similar thoughts. And when we think things similar or identical to those with whom we have built our thought-forms, we give them the signal to come to us and to act upon us. So that we ourselves unleashed, through our human behavior, our "double", that is our thought-forms, our ego that has taken shape. Fall upon us like robots, they influence us and encourage us to repeat those things with which we have built, that is what we are. Encourage us to think again or to repeat the like or equal. These thought-forms, created by us, were formed with the forces of our soul and our body. And that means that more thought-forms we create, we lose more strength, because our thought-forms we do not give any force, in fact, quite the opposite: we require more and more force, because they are intended to make us feel, think, talk or do bad things always similar or equal. "

Source: altrogiornale forum