There are several ways known on Earth for the initial approach to spiritual matters. Is seen by many as an issue far from earth, a way to root their lives in a mysterious world which seems necessary to believe not to ask too many questions. The biggest challenge for a researcher is precisely to tackle head on an unknown world, which is a matter on earth rather than otherworldly. The initial approach is always that of the researcher asking the question: "Why?" . That is the question that any good researcher arises whenever it comes into contact with an unknown world.
understanding of reality, whatever level it may be, can only occur through the use of the mind, and then the instrument through which the mind is expressed in a form, that is the brain. And what is the spiritual evolution, if not the understanding of reality and then This change in approach towards it? This is done by working on their thoughts (genetic and personal), allowing the spirit to descend deeper into the physical form, raising the vibrations, and then raising the purity of thought.
How is the understanding of reality through the brain? Can be done by pure rational understanding? E 'can be understood only through the use of reason, something that is not tied to the form? Or perhaps you need a way to understand the reality of going beyond mere philosophical speculation? However, the understanding of reality can be so filled only through the union of the two approaches on which is based the experience of space and time, that is the emotional approach and mindset. The emotional approach is just what we understand through personal experience and contact (emotional note) with the outside. The mental approach but does not require contact with the outside world, but it requires a simple causal reasoning (deductive or inductive) which then leads to a conclusion. One does not require the other to be working. These two approaches, however, if not integrated with each other, leading to a relative understanding of reality. The two hemispheres of the brain are precisely those two approaches that, on average, respectively, although typical of the male energy (mental approach) and energy women (emotional approach) should be joined together and together allow a more complete understanding of reality.
So is our brain that allows us to understand the reality around us. And then to be a good researcher must first use their head and filter everything that we propose as the external reality and truth. A good researcher must first be aware that it could reach a higher level of understanding only by its own inner work and personal. This does not mean not to consider external sources of information and experiences: they are fundamental for creating a truth. It means filter through your brain, and then with both its reasoning with their emotions, mental or emotional information that comes from outside. What
create their own truth? Does this mean create their own reality? No, they are two different things. The reality that we humans here on Earth we live is always the same three-dimensional reality on this planet. And as long as we live here all in the same reality. This does not mean that, although the reality is the same, is approached and then lived in the same way by all. What causes this? Depends exclusively on the thoughts we have inside us. They are our thoughts we attract certain experiences. In my experience and understanding of reality, like attracts like, and as long as we have certain thoughts within us, then we attract experiences related to those thoughts. Perhaps you are constantly worried about your life? You are constantly worried that something might not go well? Are you worried about anything? This means that you have inside you thought (or technically thought-form) of concern. It is for this that will attract those experiences.
Now, if we work to release us from this thought then our worry is not continuous. How do you release? Simply by the will or intent, if you prefer. To do this you need to experience and feel (emotional approach) and understand that the problem lies in the thought of concern (mindset). Once you understand this, then we can forgive us for this (in the sense to admit one's mistakes and errors) and then by an act of will release this thought from within. In this way, we release energy at such a thought, and once that is no longer within us, not to attract the experience of most concern.
The example just saw them an idea of \u200b\u200bhow reality operates on the basis of my practical experience. It 's the thought that creates and is the thought that can then change the approach to the reality in which we live. The reality does not change, but the approach to it. E ' true that when a particular change of heart (that is, a certain approach to reality) is a global, then the reality as a whole can change. That is the reality that everything changes and that all must change. As long as this does not happen, you can "only" changing the approach to it. And this is already a great job, because it requires constant attention to everything that happens to us and we think to understand why. It can then release the thought that has not attracted that experience pleasant. Similarly, however, focusing on "positive thoughts", we can still change our approach to reality. And then draw experiences positive, since like attracts like.
So what is the spiritual evolution? It is not nothing but make the 'approach to reality more and more pure. Working on yourself to remove negative thoughts and limiting and incorporate the positive and expansive then change our way of life. Why is the thought that creates the reality and also the approach that everyone has to reality. And then started working on our approach, and then our thoughts, we can help change reality itself.
Evolution is a purely internal and personal path. Through the experience and reasoning everyone creates their own personal truth. This truth is none other than his own personal understanding of reality at a given time. And by focusing only on his own experience and thinking on it, you can improve and learn. This approach
mental and emotional, along with personal development, includes within it the concept of faith? Yes, because faith is always the basis of its truth. Wherever there is truth, no faith. It 'true that is very different to have faith in his own or another's truth. I personally have faith and confidence in my truth because it is a process of understanding and inner evolution, but I have faith and trust in one another's truth or unless it is in tune with my or the heart to tell me that is true. But in any case in full compliance with all truth and are always ready to learn from others. If someone helps me understand that my truth or part of it is distorted, he proposed a truth that seems to me the purest and most logical, thank you. I therefore believe that the personal truth, to be evolving, must be fluid and flexible to any changes. If not, it means that there is evolution. And 'natural that there are good things that remain, but be flexible and able to recognize the bad ones and drop them.
faith in its truth is therefore of utmost importance. If you do not have confidence in yourself, how can we think to have their own thoughts?
Hence the approach to the spiritual reality that I experience more effective and efficient: use one's mind (through reasoning) and emotions (through experience) to understand their limits, overcome them and create a reality more beautiful and enjoyable, focusing on thoughts of unity, love, respect, joy or any other thoughts that you feel positive and supportive to their evolution.
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