Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tamil Kavidhai For Marriage

Chakra - Vortex of Light

There are things we do not see that we do not hear, and sometimes we struggle to perceive.
But we know that exist in the subtle matter, namely, that we can not perceive through the ordinary senses, but not for this do not exist.
It 's the case, for example, electromagnetic waves, which allow us to listen to the radio or watch television or talk on the phone. Or
heat waves, which are also composed of subtle matter, that allow us to assess the temperature of a room, without the heat or cold, as such, will fall directly under our common senses.
This example serves to introduce the discourse on chakras are vortexes of energy which not tangible, not visible, however that does not fall under our common sense, but that some particularly sensitive people may experience in tactile or visual . These energies that do not fall under our senses are still energy crucial in not only manifestations of life, but also the maintenance of life itself in its true essence.
Life is defined as a set of changes and movements .
The movement can be imagined as an endless cycle of expansion and contraction, such as breathing, cosmically speaking of evolution and involution, whereas in physics we speak of pulsation. The term prana (which means vital energy), the ancient Indian yogis sought to define the energy along the spine from bottom to top and vice versa, the energy from the sky and headed toward Earth is called Ida or lunar nadi , And flows in a "channel" to the left of the spine, while that from the ground and bound for heaven or Pingala nadi is called solar and flows in a "channel" on the right side of the spine, again, at center of the same (spinal cord) is noisy one energy call Sushumna.
These energies are subtle and invisible, but their counterparts in the nervous system, specifically the autonomic nervous system in the two "channels" in the central nervous system side and the "channel" station. These energy channels from the first chakra or root chakra, located physically in the region of the perineum and join in the sixth chakra, physically located above the eyes, in the center of the forehead, and depth is related to the structures of the optic chiasm and the pituitary gland to some, while others with the pineal gland .

It can be said that the chakras are points of intersection of three different energy levels of the person, in particular between levels physical, mental, emotional and spiritual . In each of these levels of life energy is manifested by a specific body, one of which, the physical, sensory perception falls under common to all.
The second body, that mental, is a subtle body, not physical, which falls below the capacity of sense but not the sensitivity that some people possess, and is manifested in the form of "aura" that is an extension of external energy to the body that can be displayed with Kirlian cameras, people can perceive this body, describing it as a tactile sensation of "touch energy" or if they perceive it visually as a faint glow that surrounds the physical body.
A Japanese researcher, Motoyama, over many years and thousands of cases examined with special equipment, was able to fully confirm those described by Indian and Chinese ancient medical philosophies about the energetic activity of the bodies of living things.
In particular, it is able to highlight and measure the energies of the chakras, and through cross-examination (traditional and energy) and also failed to relate the activity of each chakra with the organs, systems and functions of the body physical. First
noted how the energy system of chakras is closely related to the nervous and endocrine systems, and how every chakra affects the functioning of various organ systems: the first chakra regulates and governs the nerve plexus of the coccyx and sacrum, the second and third chakra govern and regulate the digestive function and bowel and related organs, the fourth chakra regulates and controls the functions of cardiovascular and related organs, the fifth chakra regulates and governs the lungs and the cervical ganglia and functions related to these organs: the sixth chakra regulates and governs the neuro-hormonal and related functions, the seventh chakra regulates and governs the cerebral cortex, the central nervous system, tissues, organs and whole body rhythms.
The chakras allow a summary of the passage of the various types of vital energy between the various dimensions that constitute us in our totality, for example allow the passage of emotions between the emotional body and the physical body.

Chakras are energy centers as a way as Inserisci link ciency in which energy flow into multiple channels, specific to each chakra: the meridians, which is why it operates on and through the chakras acts on the adjustment of energy flowing in the meridians and thus comes to the heart of the disease.



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