Article 77 of the Great Omega altrogiornale.org
Among the spiritualist movements organized Italians - who are not, however, "Churches" spiritualist in Anglo-Saxon sense of the word - a historical presence is that of the 77 Circle Florence, born around the communications medium Roberto Setti (1930-1984), whose mediumship lasted 37 years and nine months. The Circle Florence 77 states that "no organization or agency, not an association or a group, not a sect or a clique, there is only ideally, consists of all those who intimately share the conception of reality that Teachers try to explain. There are no subscriptions, and official representatives in particular, because no one can be considered the depositary of the concept that the Masters show, as each incorporates subjective and therefore limited. "
Although discontinued, with the death of the medium, communications, study groups spontaneously linked together in an informal continue to exist - even growing - in various Italian regions, is an interesting phenomenon of "no movement" but involves hundreds of people. In Florence, for seven months a year, from November to May, monthly meetings are held each year in which you listen to original recordings of the sessions, commented on by witnesses that they had witnessed. Elsewhere, groups are studying the different volumes of messages published by the circle. Monthly meetings are also held in-depth seminars and Ca 'Beech (Arezzo) and regular meetings, conventions and conferences in various parts of Italy.
Following is the transcript of some mediumistic communications to show a snippet of the doctrine _illuminati_ beings who spoke with Roberto Setti.
".... thou shalt not understand life when you will do your duty among men, but when you do in solitude. Not when, but achieved fame, you can have exemplary conduct in the eyes of men, but when you and no one knows, not even yourself. Not when you do good and you'll see the effects, but when you do and you are not interested to have gratitude, nor the outcome of your actions. Not when you can help effectively and selflessly, but when it helps knowing that your help is anyone, even to yourself.
Not when you'll feel responsible for everything they do your like, but when it preserves the sense of your responsibilities, even though he knew to be the only man in the world. Not when you have to understand that all beings have the same your rights, but when it deals with being the most humble of the earth as if it were the one who has your fate in your hands. Not when you love your fellow men, but when you yourself and your fellow love .. "
" The function of the family in human history has been to create a moral bond between individuals relying on blood ties and a function of the close relationship built around a series of reciprocal duties and rights rather than on a real affection. On the other hand, the affection can not be imposed, so the family being an institution which was a bulwark against the adversities of life, a better way to resist, if there was no love to hold together the family had to be something that can be imposed: the right and duty.
to achieve a union between individuals, a symbiotic partnership, and, ultimately, a loving communion, is the goal that the nature reserve of men. The first attempts, the first seeds of such a union nature made them prompting individuals to come together in families, groups, paradoxically, strengthened the bond within each group through the contrast and even wars between families, groups and peoples.
All this did not appear and does not appear in the eyes of men, who come together as a family to find accommodation, a rule of life and go to war for trivial reasons. The ultimate aim that nature - that is to teach men to love each other, albeit sometimes through hatred - you see not. The man reaches inadvertently subject to rules of a code of rights and duties.
What, so called, may seem like a peaceful way of living, but in practice is an alternation of hard and soft, struggle and conquest, of success and disappointment, jealousy and pride, is, in essence, most of his life and therefore of the evolution of man. If there were family ties everyone would have lived only for himself and many would end up succumbing. Now, what is the nature as it seeks to replace the rights and duties with affection.
The union of two beings will no longer be a mutual aid arrangement, but dictated by a sincere love. The men will live together without the need to establish the union with a ceremony or a formal act: to be the love that will cement the deal, and if the love will break down and the separation could harm someone, it will be a sense of duty, the desire not to harm, to keep the family together if you can call family.
Those who will come together to create a core, will do so with the utmost sense of responsibility. Mutual respect is that if others also met with the covenant will never be less moral free will contract, if both do not wish to do so. And if they have been bred children, care for them, their good will have priority over any other case, on each other affection.
will be clear that children must grow up in an environment of peace, harmony and affection, so all about the parents who take the form of a threat to the welfare of children will be set aside even at the cost of personal sacrifice. Who will unite to procreate will be aware of the commitments that we assume such an intention, but will not be obligations imposed by a rigid term, but by a deep sense of duty. Conduct that will not be liable for any external coercion but for a real, intimate feeling. The do no harm to another, whether friend or child, will be the main focus that everyone will have the deepest respect for those who have chosen to live together.
What you call marriage is the union of two beings, happen only when the union will crowning a real love and realized, a love that does not know any terms or conditions, nor limit or obstacle, a love that has its roots in past lives or is a prelude to future partnerships.
Who will feel anxious instead of multiple sexual experiences, or even affection will not be forced to swear a lasting love for them: in all sincerity to make its intentions and when it will be accepted without reservation, and who will accept what fate may have such a company.
E 'certain that the figures of male and female hunter-prey object, and vice versa, no longer exist. One such report will not be so bleak that you want and there will be more men who boast about their sexual conquests, as this will no longer be a virtue or something gratifying in the eyes of others, on the contrary it appears that it really is: the vice of licentiousness, something that does not boast.
The betrayal of adultery is so widespread today, the vast majority of cases arises from the desire to have more sexual experiences, failing spontaneously fall in men, an exaggerated view of sex as they have now. In fact they did not try more to give vent to their repressed sexual instinct, but rather will be affected will be completed in the sexual act. No longer the sexual act because of the search for companionship, but instead being the attraction of true love, is not one of the main reasons why adultery and infidelity is almost unknown.
This does not mean that everyone will love only her family, and indeed the affection estrinsecherà much more freely. Will create emotional bonds with new experiences and meet with the glow of affection of other lives.
man feel much more reminiscent of other lives and recognize, for an interior impulse, those who loved in another previous condition. This will be so widespread that will not arouse wonder the establishment of a human relationship so intense among the many who are not related by blood. And like a true mother can love more children simultaneously without sacrificing one or the other as man and woman of the future will be sufficient, fully satisfying, more suffering.
Jealousy is not known because no one will feel excluded. Everyone, more than to be loved, will want to love. And as the true father is not jealous if the child loves his mother too, so no one will suffer if the one who is loved will love even more, indeed, is also the object of love and not rivalry.
one hand there is the awareness that love does not mean possession, but rather to give, on the other you have the exquisite sensitivity to love everyone, but to love more and be closer to those who truly need more love. Each loved instinctively know the secret to cancel the jealousy of love, which is to give the jealous certainty that others are not favorites to him, but at the same time be aware of it and make him think that nobody can be held entirely as it owns an object.
The children will be the predominant interest of the family, being the only ground that has led parents to live together, contracting, however, a moral pact that any difficulties in relation to each other by mutual consent, will take second place to the welfare of children. Around children, then, and not to the couple, will gravitate to the future family.
and self-giving love to the children so freely and with conviction by sacrificing his own desires of escape will not mean, however, be permissive parents, education will be most understanding of the problems for girls but at the same time you will know that the strength of character and will grow certainly not taking away any worries and giving everything you want, but on the contrary doing to solve their individual problems, making him pay the price of the conquest of the desired object.
Love means understanding, but understanding does not mean according to all the whims of the beloved. We love the children we have at heart their own good, which often does not coincide with their desires, so also means being able to say no, it means giving them some autonomy but not abandoning them to themselves, that is to do as the animals that guard the their babies at a distance, ready to intervene So when they are a danger in the experience of weaning, it means hard work and giving up his life: all this and do not to have children who are pearls that adorn.
Many parents fail in their role as educators because they want to build their children following a model that has been made, and satisfying their ambition. Children are "beings" and are not objects to be proud to show off its value. To love means to help children with measurement and intelligence.
And here again just to quote the words of the master Kempis: "If you give to the children's economic security would mean making them insensitive to the needs of others if you give them whatever they wish easily mean making them unable to enjoy the little things, or worse, to enjoy life, if you take away their means to convince all concerned that everything is due to them, if put in the spotlight means to exploit them themselves beyond measure, that emphasize self-interest, then Endeavour to ensure that your children know and confront the challenges of life in first person. "
This well will know the parents of the future, and will know just as well their children that parents should not only ask, but also give. Parents are not those who have provided the genetic material for the birth of the physical body but those who have bred a creature, have followed, cared, loved, even if not has been generated by them. And all the love that parents give their children, the children returned.
When adults will no longer need the support of Parents, do not forget, do not abandon those who have prepared and introduced into the life, when in turn will be parents who raise children, understand the sacrifice of those who have raised and reciprocate the affection that was poured over them. So the parents will not be considered a burden when you do not have anything to say, and will not be marginalized.
THE "ideal community"
The family does not only include the partner and children, will also include the parents, if need, be loved as children. The family also does not include only persons related by blood, include first of all people united by ties of love. Each member not Industrier is to try to take more and give as little as possible on the contrary, everyone will want to be helpful and to be very careful not to hurt others because they do not seek their joy, but that of others.
In a sense, the family of the future will look like a "common" ideal, in which members will not need to "own" to feel a duty to care, in which everyone will have a recurring role, tasks linked inextricably by him, but everyone can be a parent and child, to assist and help, always, however, lover. And there will be some confusion and disorganization, because the love that permeate every member, love that has been the cause of union members in a family, will each be responsible for all and for all, and always will love to make building such a wonderful union of beings.
Then, as now seems worth going to lose, is a value that will be found within. This, briefly, the family of the future. I bet that everyone wants to be a member. If so, it takes action to build it. It 's easy, you know: all you need is love necessary. "(Francois)
" There are thinkers who seek to explain reality with elements that have, or rather with the ideas that their partial view suggests. The resulting theories are not only anthropomorphic, but even that is an expression of man's ability to think in general terms.
One such example is the statement that the destiny of man as a spiritual being, subjects him to become endless. The spiritual being would continue in an eternal process of acquisition.
This, then, would not involve an abandonment of the Earth in ultra-physical sense, that is the Earth, yes, it would be abandoned, but would continue to be, in other spiritual dimensions, a social life based on perception, the appearance of reality. Being would be a spiritual man deified, idealized, and nothing more.
It 'clear that such a statement comes from the inability to transcend the human condition to access even to the intuition that some men use to write fairy tales. To think that the fate of being relegated to the spiritual condition at the bottom of anthropomorphic means not only do not perceive reality, but even lack of imagination.
Sure, I'm not here to tell you about imaginary things, but if you understand what I mean I do appeal to your imagination, well considered well what I tell a story, but understand!
The main difficulty in understanding the fate, the future condition of existence of the spiritual being, is given by not being able to imagine how he spends his life that he does. If, as we do, it says that being tested, to manifest, on a conscience, is identified with the absolute consciousness in which any separation is demolished, any restrictions, any sequence, and enjoys the absolute fullness, often feels ask: what next?, just as inadvertent demonstration of the inability to overcome the human way of seeing reality. We can speak of a "later" in such a state of consciousness? An 'then' and 'where' resulting from a condition of existence limited spatial sense and sense of time, from a habit of perceiving reality in succession and separation.
Now, to get closer to understand this state of consciousness, we must be able to imagine a state of tolerance of separateness, that is, a consciousness that embraces all that exists, so an excess of ego and not me, and then passing based on the perception of separateness.
Not only this, while giving the idea of \u200b\u200ba consciousness that knows no limits in a spatial sense, it still gives the idea of \u200b\u200ban overshoot in the temporal sense, but that's in absolute consciousness. If all that exists would change over time, a consciousness that embraces all that exists only in the sense of scope, quantities, it would still be limited in the sense of temporal succession, so there would still be absolute. While, to be true, consciousness must also include mutations.
What are mutations? Different realities. What is the self or a being? The limited consciousness to a party, or, more precisely, to feel the reality in terms of party. What is a being than another? A different way to feel the reality in terms of party. And what an ego, a consciousness, a being, in succession? Still another way to feel the reality in terms of party. It makes no difference: they are all really different. The definition the difference between the feel of a moment, belonging to different beings, stocking, is the same, the difference in feel at different times belonging to the same being. These different ways of reality in terms of a party.
So, what are the creatures?
If my feel now is different from your HR in the same way as it is different from my feeling of another time, what is it that makes me say "my feelings"? Certainly the fact that I have experienced. And what is that makes me say 'I have lived "? Of course the memory, the ability to maintain itself, in order to evoke images of things seen, heard sounds, feelings, moods proven ideas acquired. But equally certain is that the memory, as might be alive, is a shadow, a ghost, is not reality, not to return to live the experience.
The memory is a memory that was. And what was to have a precise chronology, it must be reported in the memory of facts certainly dated, otherwise it can be placed, otherwise it is a 'not now' that can not be distinguished from all others "not now" that the memory can remember. This is because consciousness is always present.
A consciousness that is both past and future is inconceivable past or the future compared to what? To his own being. But since Consciousness is being, it is absurd to measure their distance, separation, disidentification, eccentricity, taken as a reference point themselves: the value is always zero. So consciousness is always present, so its always only be that of the present moment. Every moment we are a different being, and finally as a real condition of existence, we are a total being.
So my feeling was that, do not belong to me more than I belong to the feelings of my equal. In fact, if I lost my memory, by virtue of what other option I could give to a paternity hearing? Certainly not. On the other hand, the memory is not conclusive the existence of feelings.
If you took away the ability to remember, would not stop the feeling: you do not have more knowledge of the time, there would be informed that the existence, consciousness, is a continuous present.
The feel of every moment - or rather, many feel that create moments - are complete in themselves, each says, manifests a reality. So that tenuous and incomplete thread is the memory, which is intertwined relationship with each other, that we remember who they are, what we must, what can we expect, that you intentionally lose when we pretend it is nice to be lost, that wire without which we do not know who we are, what is our name and on which we base our whole lives as men, if you break it, yet so crucial, we do not take away the most important thing of our existence which is identified with the very existence: the feeling alive, consciousness to exist.
But yet, this feeling of moments is linked in a chain, not only as a result of that thread that is fragile and fleeting memory, beyond what we can remember and the conditioning power of memory, the many feel with the memory create the moments are called, one after another, are bound by virtue of something that may not be apparent and transitory because it is the cohesive force that creates the being, which makes many parts of a single whole. What holds the atoms of matter but a force that emanates from 'atom itself?
Similarly, the force that connects atoms that make feel consciousness, arises from the nature of feeling. It depends on the nature of the hearing the order in which feelings are united, so that the succession will occur, or rather, seem to occur in that sequence because, in that order, are chained.
from the very nature of the hearing comes on the order in which it is placed so that all that exists is prepared: for the situations of the physical, emotional and intellectual are closely related, combined with a feeling, so much so that apparently it is impossible to say whether those situations are to be like that because they descend from feeling, or if the hearing is what it is as a result of the situations are physical, emotional and mental.
In fact there is a link by which the conscience of the moment, the feel, bind, and is the logical link. We compare the initial feeling of consciousness of an embodiment of an equation set: after the hearing, those in the broad sense, logically linked to the initial, are represented by the various steps leading to the solution of the equation. The solution represents a limitation of the fall and feel the expansion of consciousness.
The same logical connection exists between the setting equation and a set of equations later. The result is a system of equations in which there are many unknowns as the number of equations, so a system solvable. That all restrictions have lapsed, all the unknowns are known.
Another question frequently asked is "that there is every need to be born from God and return to God, that go through a die so complex and, ultimately, exhausting." Before you answer you can not help but say that if the die is difficult to give the price being the absolute consciousness, is much more than we have of what you pay for.
However, such a question is born of a mistaken conception of Actually it does not take into account the fact that beyond what appears in the sequence and separation - that is, become illusory - no one breaks away from God or God or comes back, everything is always in him
If ever right question is "What are the roles in life divine beings" and, more just yet, "what is the function of consciousness on the feel, the absolute consciousness". I answer that consciousness is an absolute in the sense of one and indivisible, but not in the sense of having only one quality, even in this direction are many and multifaceted. The unit is made with the communion elements, that is in a state of existence where, for example, a man living the life that in turn is felt simultaneously in no time, that is something that has neither before nor after, nor so lasting, and is felt simultaneously in the life of all beings.
All this does not mean that consciousness is an absolute state of being fractional, of confusion, in which all overlap and confuse. Already human consciousness - which is also relative - is unitary. Every moment of feeling that arises beings, there is absolute identity in the consciousness as we do feel it.
could not be otherwise be the case, because the feeling that creates the same feeling beings is contained in the consciousness absolute. It is not an identical one, is the same. If you feel that did not exist or not exist in the consciousness of absolute beings, nor the absolute consciousness.
So the existence of human existence belongs to God and the reason for their existence lies in completeness, in the absoluteness of the Divine Reality. The feeling of conscience be obvious that each is an integral part of the absolute consciousness, which exists in an eternal present, beyond dell'illusorio occur in temporal succession. Each moment is a feeling, an element of being on, as each element is a plan to be absolute.
This view of existing realities, share in the divine making all that exists, explains nothing and no one can be considered outcast, excluded, lost. However, while comforted by the knowledge that no one can definitely get lost - in fact everyone is destined inevitably to the greatest glory of absolute existence - can claim that they have no value to try to change the events, to improve the situations and people having it all existing outside of time and man's will.
Such a conclusion is incorrect avoided keeping in mind that since everything is perceived by each be, is a stimulus to its development, the creation and disclosure of his conscience - and even if the perception is common to most beings is a personal experience for each - it turns out that everything that exists is as if only and only for each to be, only for the constitution-the revelation of his conscience, as if each were to be at the center life of a show designed just for him and he was the only being in existence. While in reality there are countless beings, as well as each unique. Therefore, each being - being as it was the only one there - it's like the only one to participate, show, to be the absolute consciousness.
Similarly since the reality is perceived to be learned from each in succession, becoming, it is as if reality was such, that was now growing, taking shape, when in fact the reality exists in its entirety. However, could not exist if she does not appear as each perceives it to be and the obvious. So when is the feeling you felt like it was when life gets, hence the importance of his existence and his own will.
Nevertheless, your mindset of men placed in a situation to become apparent, in which rule the principle of cause and effect deferred, it remains difficult to understand what sense, for example, help a fellow if he, for the law of karma , has no way out; or fight to turn events in a certain way when, in the divine plan, were established in a different way.
A similar misunderstanding is rooted in a consciousness of reality that is already much if it can stimulate the man to act with the promise of a result, a whole conception of external reality, when in fact what is considered outside world is important insofar as it instils in inner experience, so the giving or doing are not as important to the success and for the purpose, as the intention of the subject.
look in more detail the articulation of this truth.
There is a general history of humanity which is given by the history of human events, political, social, economic, religious and so on. This story is immutable, it can not be changed, in it you weave individual stories, personal men. Particular histories, they may have - albeit limited - variants.
Do not believe that where the particular history can be changed - ie where there is a real possibility of choice - everything is left in the indefinite fog. Quite the contrary: in the eternal present of cosmic situations are already defined all the possible alternatives to the choice. If, for example, there are two possibilities that offers the choice, there are two branches of history paths.
So do not indefinizione, but double definition.
Do not even believe that the overall story is more important than the particular, because from a certain point of view that is not the result of those, so from that point of view would seem to be subject to them.
But it's not, so much so that the general history is made on the basis of particular histories, but not in those of dependence. That is the general history is made according to the developmental experiences of individuals and therefore a function of experiences that they have to do; that is not the man who follows a destiny path, is the reverse: the path is what is offering them the experience they want and that must have.
However, where individual choices should be to influence the overall story - that is the general history would become dependent on the particular - because this is done the problem is solved through the 'variant', the two defining events: one is that that others see and that is a necessary step for them - the overall story - and the other is experienced as a result of a personal choice that differs from what the others must necessarily see and experience and that is freedom the individual in need of the community. In
other words, when the choice of an individual you swallows in the lives of others in a manner contrary to their developmental needs, the choice - through a variant - would be felt by him alone, to avoid interference.
Suppose that a head of state is confronted with the dilemma of putting his people in war or not. Clearly the war is a general event and then fixed, so if the head of state had the liberty to escape the war - that can not declare it to live in peace - a choice he would live only for peace, while all the His people would live the war. The example, of course, is radicalized, carried to an extreme extent, paradoxical; But I hope that even if it is unreal, made you understand the reality.
I can already feel some of you conclude: "If war is a predestined event, it is useless to pray or express because it does not happen". And here we are back to the nub of the problem.
you think that the head of state to sign or not sign the declaration of war, is the same? I hope you can understand that if war should break out, it is extremely important that the head of state chooses peace: the act invests his person, his intention, and therefore his understanding, his evolution, his conscience - that it is having or not having, or that there is not there. Is this not enough?
Of course, for the collective decision of the individual can not change what others should have or not have, but to the individual how important you do or do not do a thing no matter what the outcome will be!
If you think it is useless to try to help your fellow man, however, because you do things will go as it is written that, I tell you that in any case a very important thing will be missing: the one for which everything exists and lives, for the which follow each day, the lives, stories, your consciousness, that consciousness is the manifestation of God in and under which we exist and through which nothing, finally, can remain aloof, it gives us the absolute fullness.
So, pray for peace or known, even if you can not change things that can not be changed, you can change yourself and with yourself the world, the reality in which you live. If your selfless act will not reach its intended purpose, you doing, you ask yourselves the right side. And that there seems little or no use? "
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