The ego expands and embraces the universe. The space-time blending into the black seething magma of colors and chimeras. Echoes of the absolute. Revelations. Communion is a dip in ferment of the universe for those who believe nell'ayahuasca, the creeper of the original spirit of the Amazon, consumed as a sacrament by thousands of followers of animist-Christian cults in recent years have been taking root in every continent. In the shadow of secrecy. For if in the Netherlands and the United States the law has some exceptions, Japan, Australia, Russia, Germany, France and Spain, the use of drugs, though ceremonial, has always been punished. And for this reason, three years ago, also in Italy a dozen people, including the anthropologist Walter Menozzi, have had their troubles with the law.
Used for centuries by shamans against a thousand evils for its purifying and immune, This climbing plant that grows in damp, dark recesses of the jungle (Ayach in Quechua means 'spirit' and Wasko 'vine') induces visions and distorts perceptions and associative processes. But it is not a mere drug, they insist the faithful of Santo Daime, Uniao do Vegetal and Barquinha, congregations were born last century in Brazil and become a global phenomenon in the wake of New Age syncretism. The alteration is indeed a state of grace. And the plant, through which nature speaks to man - is a manifestation of Jesus
The Catholic Church and other major Christian denominations have never digested a similar animist beliefs, but eventually chose the silence, avoiding curses that have radicalized the comparing and adopting the philosophy of live and let live, as in the past had produced in front of other faiths encounter of Christianity with indigenous cultures.
Outside Brazil, however, starting with Europe, where several hundred are believed to be now, initiates ayahuasca live as conspirators. The mixture of leaves is necessary to obtain the hallucinogen, confessed some of them come from countries of the Amazon basin hidden in simple packages of tea. And the communities come together with the maximum discretion in homes or private premises. In Britain, where around 500 would be scattered across several counties, are also found in some churches on the pretext of rehearsing the chorus, as they sources revealed recently taken by the newspaper 'Times'.
Yet in 2001 the Dutch government granted to the faithful of the Holy Daime a license for the sacramental use of drugs, and in 2005 the U.S. Supreme Court did the same with a colony of the Uniao do Vegetal, taking note of an unusual property liana of the spirit that, used properly, does not appear to cause damage or drug addiction. Or so at least show the data collected so far by science and experience of 'Entronauta' and artists like Allen Ginsberg, Paul Simon, Sting, Tori Amos.
And Isabel Allende, only through the catharsis experienced with ayahuasca has overcome the existential crisis that had slipped in the nineties failing to complete a trilogy of stories devoted to his grandchildren and now filming in Hollywood.
After drinking the decoction verdemarrone thick and prepared by a Peruvian shaman, he later told the writer in an interview, "are plunged into a dark world" that at times turned into kaleidoscopic visions, apparitions, sequences of real life: "I was no longer the body, soul, spirit or anything else." Two days later, "I woke up, aching but lucid" as reborn: "I had overcome the fear of death and lived through the eternity of the spirit."
In their journal 'Yage Letters' (another name for ayahuasca Indian), William Burroughs and Ginsberg also speak terms of similar experiments in the Amazon for 'expanding consciousness' and treat - but in vain - the heroin addiction.
The spiritual experience, say the uninitiated, is an intrinsic part of the effects dell'allucinogeno much as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, ran to the bathroom. And nightmares, because while the drug harsh and bitter purge and helps the body fight infections and metabolic disorders, the mind is measured by light and shadow in a roller coaster of emotions.
In the end, declared as a heart surgeon of St. Paul to the microphones of the BBC, always occurs in "a sense of calm and clarity, which helps you work and live in harmony with others."
That is the power of the beverage obtained from the leaves of Banisteriopsis caapi, the ayahuasca itself, macerated and then boiled for hours with leaves psicotria viridis, Mimosa hostilis, justicia pectoralis and many other plants. In alchemy always different in different areas of the Amazon, according to recipes that sometimes also cover tobacco or cocoa.
In reality the plants with hallucinogenic virtues are widespread in nature. And in the recent book 'The Antipodes of the mind' Benny Shannon, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, said that similar plants were used ayahuasca for religious purposes even by the ancient Jews, including Moses. What has sparked the ire of Christians and Jews, most Orthodox circles, forcing the scholar at the time to tighten and clarify a few days ago, the columns of the 'Financial Times', he never wanted to understand that Moses was 'done', when the Sinai saw the burning bush was not consumed.
What makes a powerful hallucinogen ayahuasca is the high concentration of DMT (dimethyltryptamine) and alkaloids that facilitate the assimilation, boosted by the levels of serotonin in the body.
is how experiences and emotions, conscious or unconscious, subliminal perceptions and feelings of each grade are relived as hallucinations. A flood that sweeps away everything, and then return to the beach of the newspaper's mind enhanced awareness and stripped of all anxiety. It would be just like the shaman leads to infinite dimensions dell'ultraterreno.
And so the faithful of the Holy Daime live the transubstantiation of the sacred vine when in a row, dressed in white, going to get the potion from the ladle and there is intensive padrinho then apologies in universal love. How did Mestre Irineu, the mestizo Raimundu Irineu Serra, experienced rubber tappers, who in 1930 built a church in the middle of the jungle, having had a vision of the Virgin Mary under the effect of the Daime (ayahuasca another Indian name) , giving rise to a cult that soon proved to have taken great people. Brasilia that pushed to legalize the use of ceremonial drug that, in just a few decades, the cathedral of Céu do Mapia had spread in the cities, even among professionals and academics. And after the war began to affect the world through culture and mystical psychedelic beat and hippie era, gaining followers, especially after the master's death in 1971, when the disciples left the Santo Daime to found other churches. Bringing their beliefs on all continents, in the wake of migration in Brazil and the testimonies of explorers of the New Age in the meantime had ventured on a pilgrimage in the thick of the Amazon. Under cover of adventurers or, more recently, experts with specialized agencies such as the American Blue Morpho, who know where to find the shaman and take charge of the first part of a longer journey toward transcendence.
For the psychiatrist Charles Grob of the University of California, Los Angeles, there is practically no recreational use of ayahuasca, but sought by many believers because of the "deep religious quality" of his hallucinations. Shannon, however, this quality is nothing more than hallucination. And for the plant, on balance, there are only anxiolytic effects. The only certainty Dmt scientifically proven.
Source: sostanze.info
Insights: madreayahuasca.com
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