The Venerable Brotherhood of 'Sorrows San Domenico and drew its origins and its liturgical and folk traditions, first by the Order of Friar Preachers of St. Dominic, then from the spirituality of the Servants of Mary.
The Dominican Fathers who settled permanently in the cities of Taranto, since 1315, in the old town, in the Imperial Abbey of San Pietro, once held by the Benedictine Fathers, was named in the second half of the nineteenth century as San Domenico Maggiore , worked for a long period of time, with ups and downs, time of splendor, decay time, until the mid-nineteenth century, after the unification of Italy.
The Dominican Fathers, to celebrate the triumph of Christianity against the turkish danger, the Battle of Lepanto (October 7, 1571) established two lay brotherhoods: the Name of God and the Rosary. Although the Dominican spirituality fully expressed in the two congregations, the Fathers preachers, about a century later, in 1670 founded a third Brotherhood, San Domenico Soriano, named after their patriarch. The founding date is noted by the Royal assent granted by Ferdinand IV, King of the Two Sicilies, April 24, 1777.
The new Brotherhood, while engaged in disputes with the two previous applicants confraternities, and often in conflict with the Dominican Fathers themselves, began an extraordinary historical journey, which coincides with the growing prestige of the Order, who had the honor of hosting 30 April 1758 the provincial chapter of the Dominican Fathers.
parallel to the events of the Brotherhood, and in the same period of its foundation, it became increasingly widespread devotion to the kind served at Our Lady of Sorrows. Although I have not now clear evidence showing a relationship of the Servants of Mary with the Brotherhood of St. Dominic, also for the loss of archival documents, lost due to the collapse of the roof of the church on Christmas Eve of 1964, you can legitimately assume that some fathers were served there, from Manduria, in the province of Taranto, with the task of Lenten preachers in the city of Taranto and probably in San Domenico, as may indirectly try a food oil, depicting the Virgin of Sorrows and Saints seven founders of the Order of the Servants of Mary, currently located, after a recent restoration, the chapel of.
addition, the devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows had a further boost after the construction of the statue of the Virgin - now kept by the Brotherhood - in the second half of the seventeenth century in Naples, by an unknown artist, to the construction of the statue of San Domenico, commissioned by the Dominican Fathers.
parallel to the events of the Brotherhood, and in the same period of its foundation, it became increasingly widespread devotion to the kind served at Our Lady of Sorrows. Although I have not now clear evidence showing a relationship of the Servants of Mary with the Brotherhood of St. Dominic, also for the loss of archival documents, lost due to the collapse of the roof of the church on Christmas Eve of 1964, you can legitimately assume that some fathers were served there, from Manduria, in the province of Taranto, with the task of Lenten preachers in the city of Taranto and probably in San Domenico, as may indirectly try a food oil, depicting the Virgin of Sorrows and Saints seven founders of the Order of the Servants of Mary, currently located, after a recent restoration, the chapel of.
addition, the devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows had a further boost after the construction of the statue of the Virgin - now kept by the Brotherhood - in the second half of the seventeenth century in Naples, by an unknown artist, to the construction of the statue of San Domenico, commissioned by the Dominican Fathers.
latter was placed in the niche of the chapel dedicated to St. Dominic, while the statue of was placed in the church of San Giovanni Battista (now destroyed) standing in front of San Domenico and edited by Benedictine nuns. The statue of
but was taken to a private San Domenico in twice a year: on the occasion of Good Friday and Holy Week, and the third Sunday in September, the feast of the Triumph of the Seven Sorrows. This anniversary was created precisely by the Servants of Mary, and had then obtained the authorization of the Holy See in 1668, was later extended by Philip V in 1735 to all territories of Spain and Pope Pius VII had finally extended to all the Catholic Church.
The growing devotion of many faithful and especially of many brothers of San Domenico was encouraged by the work of Canon abbot Vincenzo Cosa, Spiritual Father of the Brotherhood, who introduced in 1735, which was in the chapel of St. Dominic, the practice of devotion to the Seven Sorrows.
then the crisis of existence of the Benedictine nuns reduced to a few units, all older and therefore more able to treat the tasks that the cult involved, what led the Dominican friar Vincent, namesake of the former canon, Superintendent of the statue of and its body (as well as spiritual father of the Confraternity of San Domenico) to conclude on May 15, 1795 the deed of gift with the members of that association.
This took place after February 21, 1794, in which the Real Camera di Santa Chiara had sent the Royal assent for the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.
Only in the following century, namely in 1870, following the Petition sent by the brother of St. Dominic, September 6, General care of the Servants of Mary, for the recognition and establishment of the Confraternity of Our aggregate of all ' Dominican ancient Brotherhood, the Archbishop of Taranto Bishop Joseph Rotondo, December 17, canonically erected the Confraternity of Our aggregating to San Domenico.
Since that time the Brotherhood had the double name and adopted the statutory rules of 1861.
In them, as regards the rules concerning the budget on the celebrations of Holy Week, was confirmed what had been decided by a clause, inserted by the Dominican Vincenzo What, according to which they would not have confused the two cases, the wax and robbe Addolorata and that of the Brotherhood of St Domenico.
Rules provides for the accounting of revenue and results, the first related to fees for registration in the congregation and "mesatelle", the latter given in faith and of the members of the Addolorata.
Even today the Administration of the Brotherhood, although changed some statutory provisions, provisions of the diocesan, says the old rules. Indeed, the case of the Addolorata, whose receipts come primarily from the race for Palm Sunday, are ascribed all expenses relating to the September event, defined, and above all a great celebration events organized for the celebration of Good Friday and the procession of Holy Thursday.
- Photos taken from the web.
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