Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How Frequently You Get Colds When You Have Hiv

FRIDAY PHOTOS 'SANTO - Procession of the Mysteries

A few hours after the retreat 's of Sorrows, at 17.00 precisely, it opens the door of Mount Caramel, at the center of the village, and began the procession of the Mysteries.
People do not seem to feel the fatigue so that flows behind the barricades along the route of the procession and waits for the slow passing of the symbols of the Passion.
And it is moving to note how many are also children who braved the cold and the weariness of the night to watch with eyes wide open "the perdune", ie pairs of brothers and the various statues.
L 'origin of this procession has a date certain, namely Good Friday 4 April 1765, when the Confraternity of Mount Caramel in a procession led the two statues of Christ and of the Dead' Sorrows delivered them with a deed of nobleman tarantino Francescantonio Calo, Calo descendant of Don Diego, who was the first and in private he had carried in procession in 'Old Town area of \u200b\u200bthe two statues.
After delivery the Confraternity of Caramel has always kept the conduct of the procession enriched over time with new statues, until the present structure, which features eight individual icons. The procession is opened by troccolante, the 'single individual to carry the drone and to wear the hat.
follows the band first, then Banner darkened, for the death of Christ and the Cross of the Mysteries.
the series of eight statues, punctuated by pairs of brothers: Jesus in the Garden of Olives, Christ at the Column, Ecce homo, the Cascades, was crucified, the Holy Shroud, followed by the second band, and then Christ died.
This statue is the most solemn and moving, which inspires a deep sense of piety and passes between two rows of silent crowd and moved.
Christ lying in the coffin, covered with a veil embroidered with gold stars, does not seem hopelessly dead, but sleeping in a light sleep which is a prelude to the next resurrection. On either side of the coffin four notables of the city or the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, hold the lace of honor.
closes the procession, the statue of 'Sorrows of Caramel, preceded by priests and clergy and followed by the third band.
After a brief stop in the church of San Francesco di Paola, the sad procession continues on its way back, to get back in the early morning hours of Holy Saturday in the Carmelite church.
Very impressive is the time when the troccolante struck three blows with the drone on the door to reopen the church.
When the door closes behind the last rites of the statue ends Taranto tradition and all are preparing for the Easter Vigil liturgy, which celebrates the Resurrection of the Lord.
- Text taken from 'intervention prof. Antonio Liuzzi, Prior Brotherhood of 'Our Lady of Sorrows, on "The Holy Week in Taranto, on the occasion of the Conference" Holy Week in Andalusia, Sicily, Puglia "held in Caltanissetta 7 to 9 March 2009.
- Photos taken from facebook ( The Holy Week Rites in Taranto ).


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